Show D-106's Masterslist Info:
D-106: Sayuri
Owned By: bourbonize
Designed By: andonut
Rarity: Rare
Subspecies: Owl (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests


[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]

Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2018-10-21 04:01:51 bourbonize -40 0
2018-10-21 04:01:17 bourbonize Purchasing Berserker 3: Enrage -25 40
2018-10-21 04:01:15 bourbonize Purchasing Berserker 2: Fury -10 65
2018-10-21 04:01:12 bourbonize Purchasing Berserker 1: Pacification -5 75
2018-10-21 04:01:10 bourbonize Assigned spare SP. 80 80
2018-10-21 03:25:59 bourbonize Element updated to Ghost.
2018-05-19 23:48:27 bourbonize Element updated to Dark.
2018-05-19 23:48:27 bourbonize Rolling stats! PATK: 6, MATK: 6.
2018-05-19 18:34:46 Grifferie Added to the masterlist.