D-145: Vash Zuzocrux
Owned By: Meroviathan
Designed By: Talikira
Rarity: Rare
Subspecies: Serpent (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests


+ Jobs Unlocked: Pirate

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ABOUT D-145: Vash Zuzocrux

best noodle


Just call him "Vash" since his full name is borderline unpronouncible. His name is a mix'n'mash of several fantasy name generators geared towards naga/basilisk/lizardfolk to fit in with his serpent type. I personally pronounce his name "vaSHH-zoo-zoo-croi" with a sort of "hiss" in that first syllable.


...just call him Vash and pronounce it like "Vashh" with a soft hiss at the end.

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Character Sheet:

Vash Zuzocrux
