THEIR ROMANTIC FUTURE (100% accurate prediction):

Show D-551's Masterslist Info:
D-551: Atlas
Owned By: boxofwasps
Designed By: dreadknotical
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Lindwyrm (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)

Traits: Show All Traits ( 8)

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
[This Stygian and itsĀ Treat Companion cannot be separated. Can only be rehomed as a pair.]

Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2023-08-08 09:26:36 Grifferie Added to the masterlist.
2023-06-07 22:42:39 boxofwasps Element updated to Magic.
2023-05-13 19:09:56 boxofwasps Element updated to Fire.
2023-03-21 11:31:44 astra [QUEST] R-001 5 5
2023-03-19 21:15:55 boxofwasps Purchasing Berserker 1: Pacification (Quest bonus) -5 0
2020-10-19 14:21:57 kuro Element updated to Ghost.
2020-10-19 14:21:57 kuro Rolling stats! PATK: 8, MATK: 7.
2020-10-19 13:38:14 Grifferie Added to the masterlist.