+ Jobs Unlocked: Pirate
"There's sharks in the water..."
Kingdom/Castle: Pirate's Keep
A large pirate ship. The water surrounding it is surrounded by sharks, and the crew members are mostly water elementals. There are two treatlings that you can see on board sometimes (T-353 and T-558), although you'll more frequently see them in their disguise forms to minimize nightmare fatigue.
Other: Along with T-353 and T-558, leads the faction "Seeds of Rebellion", a faction set on freeing treatlings from the tyranny of Queen Vanilla and allying with stygians.
Guardian Permissions: Restricted/Reserved
Name: Lily |
Title: Seed of Modesty |
Occupation: Pirate
Personality Traits: Independent, Ambitious, Courageous, Intense, Stubborn, Blunt, Impatient
Likes: Boats, Flowers, Fish, The Ocean, Sand
Dislikes: Oppression, Fire, Eggs
Alignment: Chaotic Good