L-320: Weiss < Lord of Blades >
Owned By: werfenspeer
Designed By: werfenspeer
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Shark (Uncommon)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests

Traits: Show All Traits ( 11)

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Rarity: Legendary
Branch: Child of Blades
Special Type: Divine

+ Jobs Unlocked: Merchant, Explorer

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L-320: Weiss's Showcase


Spooky Floresce (Angel)


Legendary Divine Crow

Gemdragon Aquamarine

Felusine Root

Wishing Floresce Galaxy

Legendary Wreathel Angelic

ABOUT L-320: Weiss

During this contest, the swordsman’s weapon wasn’t held by the hands, but by his heart. The heart-sword, transformed through the eyes into the gaze, stabbed into the depths of the enemy’s soul. In the silence suspended between the two swordsmen, the blades of their spirits parried and stabbed as soundless claps of thunder. Before a single physical blow was struck, victory, defeat, life, and death had already been decided.

Weiss is one of two Stygian that were created when an ancient Stygian crumbled through time and obscurity. He traveled through the Nightmare Realm in search of his other half, Schwarz, and restored him to an independent Stygian form by collecting his fragments. Having completed his initial goal, he resided in his Kingdom for a while, though his curiosity about his identity and origins led him to continue his journey and venture into unknown frontiers. Eventually, his path became clear and he accumulated enough power for the Nightmare Tree to bless him as the Child of Blades.

A reticent and observant individual, he calmly assesses any situation before taking action if he deems necessary. Like his Branch, he is quick, clean, and decisive, though with a sometimes dangerous tendency to employ swords in his solutions. He is also very pragmatic and logical, which can veer into cold-hearted ruthlessness at times, for he usually does not take into account others' emotions and their consequences. He returns favors with favors and disdain with disdain - while he may forgive, he will never forget.

His favoured weapon is imbued with a fragment of his soul and acts as an extension of his self. It is worn (and mostly used) as a single undecorated straightsword, though it takes on a larger form when unleashing its true power. He is also capable of manifesting multiple elemental blades as secondary armaments - if he only needs to make one strike, it's more efficient to summon one hard-light blade and vanish it than to take out a physical blade.

Usually, he appears in his standard form or human avatar form, and avoids showing off his presence or power. However, he doesn't intentionally conceal his presence unless necessary.



3 Avatar Forms: Human, Animal from Merchant Level 1 (White Cat), Mythical from Ascension (TBD), (To do black door white door quest)

Reference Art
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Official Masterslist Images

Human Avatar

Human Avatar



Animal/Mythical Avatar

Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
The blade of judgment which severs all with one strike

Lord of Blades


Theme Song:
Faster Than Light - Stellaris OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC7m0FEAfQM

Personality Traits:
Reticent, observant, logical, pragmatic. A bit out of touch with his own emotions. Pursues his goals with a singular mind. Unafraid of fighting or taking risks. Protective of those he cares for. Can be unintentionally cruel towards those he does not.

Elegance, Precision, Order, Justice

Depravity, Greed, Sloppiness, Hubris

Logical, Pragmatic, Enduring

Ruthless, Single-minded, Calculating

Lawful Neutral