L-318: Mikhailis
Owned By: Silberry
Designed By: Silberry
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Behemoth (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests

Traits: Show All Traits ( 13)
Show special info + inheritances
Rarity: Legendary
Branch: Child of Lawful Good
Special Type: Divine

+ Jobs Unlocked: Merchant, Explorer
[ Figments cannot be transferred ]

L-318: Mikhailis's Showcase

"Real" Wreathel Polar (Gift from Zoomutt)

Mome Rath Candy Cane

Lindwreath Winter

Wreathel Dark Rainbow (Patreon Gift)

Legendary Wreathel Angelic (Advent Pull)

Legendary Wreathel Gold (Gift from GutsButt)

Legendary Wreathel Demonic (Advent Pull)

Legendary Mome Wreath (Trade with FatalMirror)

ABOUT L-318: Mikhailis

Mikhailis is a very warm, friendly character who is a loving father to a young daughter.

He works as an RCNP (Royal Canadian Nightmare Police) officer keeping the streets of Metro Vancouver safe while trying to solve the mystery of why people keep disappearing into Stanley Park.

For whatever reason, he loves to collect aesthetically pleasing rocks (especially shiny ones).


Reference Art
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Stygian Art

Stygian Art

Stygian Art

Human Avatar

Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Being Unable to Save Innocent Lives

Royal Canadian Nightmare Police Officer

Personality Traits:
Goodest boy.

Spending time with his daughter, helping others, purple colour, plaid, bunnies, collecting pretty, sparkly rocks. Whiskey.

Lawful Good