MYO-019: Vaast < Shadow of the Wind >
Owned By: Malusdraco
Designed By: Malusdraco
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Void (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

Traits: Show All Traits ( 8)
ABOUT MYO-019: Vaast


full description on his toyhouse page->




On the outside Vaast is stoic but easygoing. He has a deep sense of right and wrong, creating high standards for himself that he does not hold others too. He's patient and forgiving, which often leads to others taking advantage of him. Those who speak to him describe him as very naive as he can't hide his belief in the goodness and beauty in other people. His gentle nature and old appearance exudes a fatherly aura.

On the inside, Vaast is an deep-seated introvert, spending a lot of his time in introspection. Due to his past, he still struggles with the urge to run away from situations that may go awry. That being said, he focuses a lot of his current attention on protecting those around him.

With his still-somewhat-new gift of strength, he's slowly realizing that maybe he doesn't have to hide himself anymore, but it will be a long time yet before he fully embraces the extent of his power.

Interacting with other stygians, he's very friendly and amiable (as he genuinely does want to make friends). He's usually the voice of reason or overseer of the stygians he's taken 'under his wing' so to speak.

Description, feral:

Vaast is on the tall end for a normal stygian, with enormous black wings. Black helleborus make a loose crown around his head and trail in another loop around the base of his tail. His halo is made of a circle of dancing stars, which is echoed in the starlight that issues from the tips of his hair. His body is dark grey, with a darker head and slightly lighter legs. His eyes are bright yellow with black sclera. He tends to trail a fair bit of sparkling stars around him when he walks around.

Description, human:

Vaast appears as a man in his mid 50s. He's about 6'5" tall with a lean muscular build. His salt and pepper hair has substantial grey streaks that only seem to multiply as time goes on. His face is rather plain with low cheekbones, a long nose, and thick, untamed eyebrows. The fluff from his ears trails down into sideburns that get thinner around his jaw. His cleft chin is faint but noticeable in the right light. He holds himself up straight and keeps excellent posture. 

His normal clothes consist of a loost white linen blouse, and a fitted pair of black slacks. He doesn't wear formalwear not for lack of wanting (he just has nowhere to go). He needs glasses but mostly wears them around the house, only occasionally pulling them out in public. 

He absolutely despises showing skin as he's shy about his own body.


Order/Chaos quote: "on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince

-Knows how to play the mandolin

-Has an affinity for fluffy things

-Fave daydream is Daisy

-Has warm hands

-Very fast

Vaast is okay to draw with other Stygians! (I love interactions ;w;)
Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Chased by an unnamed shadow through a dark field.

Shadow of the Wind



Personality Traits:
kind, steadfast
