MYO-263: Zeriel
Owned By: Mad-izoku
Designed By: Mad-izoku
Rarity: Rare
Subspecies: Page (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

MYO-263: Zeriel's Showcase


Spring Dark Floresce (Rare)

Spooky Floresce Rainbow


ABOUT MYO-263: Zeriel

Name: Zeriel // Nickname: Serenade
Pronoun:  He / Him 

Gentle / Shy / Cherful / confident 

Likes to pay attention and care about his surrounding,  watching small animals, the moves and dance of the leaves and just hearing the song of the fresh breeze moving his hair. He's always trying to gift a piece of his love and patience. If you are super lucky you could  listen his personal song. 

SOCIAL: 50% 
He likes company but doesn't talk to much, he likes to spend time with almost anybody even if he's just sitting there without doing nothing. 
About big groups, be prefers to hang out with 2 or 3 friends, no more than that. 
Cooperative and helpful may be good to describe him.

He's not grumpy, he doesn't make jokes but he laugh when he heard good ones, sometimes he takes more time than other to understand them.
Loves outside activities, more if it related to exploration. Not aggressive, dominant or wild. He's super calm (about himself). Usually hang around Nil to watch his pranks.

◆ [Friend]  Guliesh, while Guliesh is all white colored he's all rainbow and think they somehow are the opposite. 
◆ [Friend] Nil, just love to prank between each other
◆ [Friend] Zher, good good calm friend to talk around

+ Likes to sing, usually just for his personal joy...barely someone else have heard him sing
+ He likes to wear small accessories, no big or fancy ones, just small but with some details (Like the ones he's using right now)
+ His passion are fruits, eating them of course; the most juicy, most delicious.
+ Small things are important to thing! 

- He doesn't like super noisy places or when someone is talking loud, worst if you yell  him without any reason.
- If you accidentally step  on his tails, he won't hate you, but he'll look you with an extremely sad face.

= He secretly likes to meet new beings or just watch them (their behaviors and personalities) 
= He blush frequently for almost anything.
= His  Nightmare Kingdom lack colors, ironically! and its a quiet place ...
= He has a BAD SIDE, but almost no one knows about it... only when's in extreme danger his "bad guy side" comes out... 

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