MYO-599: Tahini / Goma
Owned By: Northildr
Designed By: Northildr
Rarity: Uncommon
Subspecies: Standard (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species


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ABOUT MYO-599: Tahini / Goma

Tahini is a good-natured stygian. His nightmare is a post-apocalyptic city, overgrown by nature. He has another personality coming out at random times, called Goma, that is a lot more sinister than his usual self. If Tahini's usually hidden eyes can be seen, it means Goma has arrived (spoiler alarm: His eyes are red :'3). 

Tahini has a parasitic form (IN WORK), that is more often overcome by Goma than his "standard" self. But since that form always has its eyes closed, it's a lot harder to judge if you're dealing with Goma or not.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:

Tahini / Goma

Nightmare of:
Postapocalyptic city - Tahini's nightmare has two faces: it's either a postapocalyptic city, overgrown by nature, inhabitated by animals and with a peaceful feel to it, or it's the same city after a burning inferno, in ruins, with mutated creatures wandering among its streets and a very threatening atmosphere. Tahini mostly stays in the green parts of the nightmare, while his other side, Goma, resides in the ruins.

