Show MYO-900's Masterslist Info:
MYO-900: Bibi
Owned By: beprisque
Designed By: beprisque
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Page (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes


+ Jobs Unlocked: Merchant

[ Figments cannot be transferred ]

Crab Blue

Crab Muddy

Crab Red

Small Black Flower Plant

Small Sprout Plant

Small Pink Flower Plant

Small Harvest Plant

Small Parasite Plant

Small Stalk Plant

Small Withered Plant

Small Shoot Plant

Leek Plant

Thorns Harvest Plant

Baby Carrot Plant

Mushroom Cap Plant

Crab Dark

Onion-chan Plant

Small Black White Plant

Small Orange Flower Plant

Small Pink Orange Plant

Small Pumpkin Plant

Small Seaweed

Small Tree Plant

Tree Harvest Plant

Pink Flower Plant

Medium Crystal Light

Medium Crystal Magic

Medium Crystal Water

Baby Phoenix Hatchling Down

Large Crystal Earth

Large Crystal Magic

Large Crystal Water

Boss Key

Shovel Cloudy Rare

Shovel Foggy Rare

Shovel Night Rare

Shovel Thunderstorm Rare

Capture Capsule (Normal)

Small Crystal Dark

Small Crystal Magic

Jar of Raid Rewind

Jar of Revival

Creeping Tendril Orange

Creeping Tendril Red

Sprout Pumpkin

Fishing Common Bait

Fishing Flashlight

Small Crystal Fire

Medium Crystal Wind

Capture Capsule (Good)

Pumpkin Cursed Small

Fungi Cluster Green

Skull Flower Blue

Skull Flower White

Fungi Cluster Blue Purple

Fungi Cluster Orange Green

Bewitched Toadstool Orange

Rotten Log

Bewitched Toadstool Blue

Cursed Crown

Skull Flower Purple

Cursed Shovel

Cursed Horn

Cursed Durian

Glitch Token

Haunted Stone

Fungi Cluster Blue

Skull Flower Red

Fungi Cluster Purple

Skull Flower Orange

Cursed Plush

Cursed Potion

Cursed Floresce

Cursed Pumpkin

Cursed Effigy

Eel Red

Aetheneum Key (Hard)

Collosweum Key (EX)

Collosweum Key (Hard)

Key Puzzle's Lair (EX)

Arcade Token (Large)

Small Coral Green

Key T?ss?r?ct (EX)

Small Sea Whip

Plush Whimsy

Sea Slug Orange

Leaf Token Medium

Large Jellyfish Blue

Ingot Silver

Appreciation Token

Key Anniversary (Easy)

Key Anniversary (Hard)

Small Shrimp Amano

Sea Slug Blue

Sea Slug Muddy

Small Jellyfish Blue

Small Coral Yellow

Daydreamdust Coin

Dust Bunny

Small Anemone Red

Ship Bottle Friends

Ship Bottle Secret

Ship Bottle Rainbow