+ Treatling/Nyagon Hybrid Treatling
+ Treat Form
[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian/Treats only ]
[ ? || ♀️ || ? ]
a wish, a fear; a dream among nightmares, a nightmare among dreams
“A simple dream of a decadant and colorful cake, twisted and stained by the creeping whispers of a Nightmare. A ghostly birthday party, where no one ever arrives, and no one ever leaves.”
? The Princess ?
she/her || hybrid treatling || secretive
? Palace of the Black Candle ?
Cherub's castle. [WIP]
Name: Cherub |
Nightmare of: Birthday cake. |
Title: Corrupted Cupcake |
Pronouns: She/Her
Theme Song: The Alley || Kanno Yugo
Occupation: Emissary to Treatopolis
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral