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Gives your Treatling small ankle wings!
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Grants your Treatling small little ankle wings.
  • Max sizing is equal to the size of the Treatling's foot..
  • Should be small, feathered wings.
  • Can be any colour or marking. Can glow with Treatling glowing markings.
  • Will always be on the outer ankle area. (Not on the foot, knee, calf, etc.)
  • Cannot be made larger with Treatling Supersize or Treatling [ ++ ].

Can be used on Fairychild only. Adds or removes attenaes from your Treatling.
MAX SIZING: % body size
FAIRYCHILD SUBSPECIES ONLY: Adds or removes attenaes from your Treatling
  • It must be based off an existing insect shape.
  • Can be any colour and pattern, texture should be of that insect type.
  • Must be two of the same attenae.
  • Cannot be added to anything but the forehead/ top of head.
  • Cannot exceed when combined, the size of the Treatling's head (or twice the length of the head if long, but not wide attenae).

Adds sparkles to your Treatling's body.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
  • This is just a passive sparkle/sheen to your Treatling's body.
  • Sparkles must be star-like in shape, each sparkle cannot exceed the size of the Treatling's eye.
  • Sparkles must be spread out across the body.
  • Can only be added to body or existing limbs (does not need to be applied to accessories, weapons, halo, or elemental aura).
  • Cannot have an elemental aura/effect (ie sparkles replace having for instance, a "star elemental aura"). Should remain close to/on the body (no sparkle effects flying away - use elemental aura instead).

Gives your Treatling sclera of any colour.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • This is for Treatlings that don't in their subspecies info list coloured sclera.
  • Sclera can be of any colour, but must be different from the irises of the Treatling.
  • Eyes, pupils, and sclera of Treatling should always be visible when using this trait.
  • Not needed for multiple eyes. Multiple eye potions can already be of any sclera colour.

Give your Treatling crystallized growths wrapped around or growing from them. It should cover less than 25% of the Treatling and must be attached to them. They cannot take the form of other traits.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Stackable: Treatling Glowing Markings
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treating or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Contracts, so on so forth.

  • Gives your Treatling crystalline growths growing on TOP on their body or limbs.
  • It can be any type of mineral or crystal growth of solid texture.
  • Can be any colour and pattern, can be an actual mineral or a "fantasy" type of crystal.
  • Must be the same type of crystal/mineral for all growths.
  • Can only be added to the body and any additional limbs (ie wings tails, extra limbs) and must be attached to them.
  • src="">Can glow when combined with Treatling Glowing Markings.
  • Cannot replace antlers/horns/hooves/existing limb (but can grow over them). These traits should still be visible underneath the crystal.
  • Cannot mimic other traits, including (but not limited to) horns, antlers, foliage, accessories, and spines.
  • Cannot exceed more than 25% of the body.

Gives your Treatling small wings around their ears.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Must be specifically around the ears.
  • Can be any colour and have markings.
  • MAX 1 pair of ear wings.
  • Can only be feathered wings.
  • Cannot replace ears.
  • Cannot exceed more than the size of regular Treatling ears themselves (at regular Treatling size).

Gives your Treatling a fluffy mane around their neck
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Gives Treatlings a fluffy mane that goes fully around their neck.
  • Will always go fully around the neck, over the shoulders, and over the back of the neck. (As seen in the reference image.)
  • Cannot go up high over the head.
  • Cannot go partially around the neck. Will always go fully around the neck.

  • Gives your Treatling glowing markings on any body or limb.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    • Will allow your Treatling to have markings that glow in the dark/ have an extra glow
    • Glow can also be "turned off" at will.
    • Markings can extend to any extra features
    • Cannot exceed more than 50% of your Treatling's body size when combined.

    Gives your Treatling very long hair.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    • It can be any type, style or colour that hair can be stylized with (ie braided, streaked, crimped, curly, etc etc), but cannot have an unusual texture to them other than usual hair/mane texture. (But can include a little bit of feathery texture - no prominent crests, just texture only)
    • Can be combined with all potion types applicable to the head area (ie can add foliage/accessories to hair).
    • If used with elemental, either combines or replaces this hairstyle.
    • Should be applied for hair that goes below the Treatling's waist.
    • Cannot exceed more than 200% of your Treatling's body length.

    Makes your Treatling tail longer.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Treatling Elemental Aura Treatling Semi-Tranparent Treatling Foliage Takeover Treatling Skeletal Replacement Treatling Glowing Markings Treatling Multiple Tails Treatling Fragmentation Treatling Fractured Body
    • Must keep the SAME TYPE OF TAIL of their Treatling subspecies
    • Tails have no marking or colour restrictions
    • Tails cannot exceed 200% of the body length of your Treatling.
    • They cannot have any textures or additional unusual shapes without elemenetal aura

    Gives your Treatling a pompom on their head.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
    • Creates a single pompom. This can be a long and thin with a small pompom or can be one big pompom
    • Pompom cannot exceed more than 50% of your Treatling's head size, and total length cannot be more than 200% of the Treatling's head height.

    Gives your Treatling a semi-transparent look.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    • Can affect any non-accessory trait on the Treatling
    • Makes the edges of the Treatling slightly fade away
    • Cannot make the Treatling or any part of them fully invisible
    • Semi-transparency cannot exceed more than 50% in opacity
    • Semi-transparency cannot affect more than 50% of the body

    Gives your Treatling a single horn extruding from forehead.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
    • Must come from Treatling's forehead
    • Should be based off a unicorn horn, but can be unusually curved and have any naturally occuring horn texture
    • Cannot be an unusual texture unless affected by elemental
    • Cannot be more than a single horn / cannot stack. Cannot end in more than a single 'point'/cannot branch into multiple ends.
    • Horn size cannot exceed more than 50% of the head height

    Gives your Treatling whiskers.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Treatling Glowing Markings Treatling Elemental Aura
    • Must extend from Stygian's face (but can be scattered, like around the nose and ears)
    • Can either be cat, any mammal, or fish-like whiskers
    • Can be any colour
    • Cannot exceed in length, more than 100% of the length of the face