L-334: Bloodweaver < The Chronicler >
Owned By: CeriMond
Designed By: b4dly-dr4wn
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Sylph (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)

Traits: Show All Traits ( 16)
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Rarity: Legendary
Branch: Child of Ambition
Special Type: Elder
Special Traits:
★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell [Max resell value: $360] ]

L-334: Bloodweaver's Showcase

Failure State Smile Please

Failure State Smile Help

Failure State Smile King

Crowish Smile

Legendary Seraphome Dark

ABOUT L-334: Bloodweaver

A beloved book fell from Treatropolis, through the swirls of the dreamscape and deep into the abyss. A red string wraps snuggly around it and a wormlike shadow watched over it as slowly consciousness grew, nurturing it with whispers...


This has been uncounted years ago. By now the Page that was born from the lost book has grown and left their shadow-y nursery. Choosing Bloodweaver as their callsign, after an infamous character from the very same pages they were born from, they travel the dreamscape and collect wisdom and practise their craft. Bloodweaver's talent was then noticed by Nereus, a Pirate Treatling roaming the candy seas, who immediately took the warlock onto his ship.


Reference Art
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Stygian Art

Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Books Eating You

The Chronicler

They/them, He/him

Warlock, Archivist, Healer

Books, the Occult

Neutral Evil

Significant Others: