Show MYO-014's Masterslist Info:
MYO-014: Letty
Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2021-06-02 17:45:42 0alacrity Element updated to Light.
2021-01-30 10:02:10 porkbun [QUEST] STAFF-003 6 21
2020-09-14 19:04:06 kuro [QUEST] FLO-001 9 15
2020-04-18 02:48:47 0alacrity Used Physical Attack Up! to raise PATK. Stats are now PATK: 10, MATK: 12.
2020-04-13 06:10:12 Grifferie [QUEST] COL004: Finding the Best Pillow: COL-004 6 6
2020-02-27 10:10:03 0alacrity Purchasing Necromancer 1: Undead Ally (Quest Bonus) -5 0
2020-02-19 16:05:22 kuro [QUEST] Adv 003: show me your skills: Adv-003 5 5
2020-02-17 09:06:40 0alacrity Element updated to Ghost.
2019-10-02 01:00:07 0alacrity Used Magical Attack Up! to raise MATK. Stats are now PATK: 9, MATK: 13.
2019-10-02 00:59:49 0alacrity Used Magical Attack Up! to raise MATK. Stats are now PATK: 9, MATK: 12.
2019-09-13 15:22:00 0alacrity Element updated to Magic.
2019-09-13 02:26:50 0alacrity Rolling stats! PATK: 9, MATK: 4 (taking old MATK of 10).
2019-09-11 20:51:04 0alacrity Rolling stats! PATK: 4 (taking old PATK of 5), MATK: 5 (taking old MATK of 10).
2019-09-11 20:50:40 0alacrity Rolling stats! PATK: 5, MATK: 6 (taking old MATK of 10).
2019-09-06 21:10:26 0alacrity Rolling stats! PATK: 4 (taking old PATK of 5), MATK: 10.
2019-09-02 20:39:32 0alacrity Fed 3SP to High Teapaca -3 0
2019-09-02 20:39:08 0alacrity Fed 10SP to High Teapaca -10 3
2019-09-02 20:39:01 0alacrity Fed 5SP to High Teapaca -5 13
2019-09-02 20:38:57 0alacrity Fed 5SP to High Teapaca -5 18
2019-09-02 20:38:52 0alacrity Fed 5SP to High Teapaca -5 23
2019-09-02 20:38:47 0alacrity Fed 5SP to High Teapaca -5 28
2019-09-01 23:23:22 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 33
2019-09-01 23:23:01 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 35
2019-09-01 23:21:04 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 37
2019-09-01 23:20:56 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 39
2019-09-01 23:20:47 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 41
2019-09-01 23:20:38 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 43
2019-09-01 23:19:02 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 45
2019-09-01 23:18:54 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 47
2019-09-01 23:18:46 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce -2 49
2019-09-01 23:18:37 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 51
2019-04-19 22:08:20 0alacrity Fed 3SP to Easter Egg -3 53
2019-04-19 22:08:14 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Easter Egg -2 56
2019-04-18 19:45:04 0alacrity Fed 5SP to Easter Egg -5 58
2019-02-03 08:34:32 0alacrity Fed 3SP to Treasure Floresce -3 63
2019-02-03 08:34:22 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Treasure Floresce -2 66
2019-02-02 04:33:00 Grifferie [QUEST] LettyBattlesprite: R-001 3 68
2019-01-14 18:15:44 Grifferie [QUEST] SS: Smolsmols: R-001 7 65
2019-01-14 10:10:54 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 58
2019-01-14 10:10:34 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 60
2019-01-14 10:09:23 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 62
2019-01-14 10:08:53 0alacrity Fed 2SP to Floresce -2 64
2018-10-31 04:44:52 0alacrity Element updated to Wind.
2018-10-20 23:57:21 0alacrity Element updated to Ghost.
2018-10-20 23:56:36 0alacrity Purchasing Assassin 3: Death From Above -25 66
2018-10-20 23:56:32 0alacrity Purchasing Assassin 2: Double-Edged Sword -10 91
2018-10-20 23:56:24 0alacrity Purchasing Assassin 1: In the Shadows -5 101
2018-10-20 19:14:38 0alacrity Assigned spare SP. 17 106
2018-09-28 03:43:51 Grifferie [QUEST] [SS] D-003 - Letty: D-003 3 89
2018-07-30 13:34:06 Grifferie [QUEST] Repeats5bygira: R-001 2 86