MYO-316: Spiraling
Owned By: Cerridae
Designed By: Cerridae
Rarity: Rare
Subspecies: Miniature (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species


+ Jobs Unlocked: Librarian

ABOUT MYO-316: Spiraling

curled in the corner surrounded by greenery,
it's almost enough to ignore the roar of the tsunami outside 


Spiraling, Nightmare of Denial

Hot-tempered and rude are the first impressions stygians make when they meet Spiraling. He's particularly small and closer to hell, but he spits fire (metaphorically) and can be a little arrogant. He screams a lot and is Very Expressive in his anger, but he is very quick to appease. He holds grudges though.

He adores his plants and daydreams and is an avid fisher. Don't come inbetween him and his babies, you'll lose your hearing. He's utterly Trash at fighting, he is 90% noodle arms and his instinct is Scream instead of Flight or Fight.

When alone he is quiet and sits in his greenhouse to read or tend to his plants.


His Nightmare

The outside of his nightmare varies from person to person, be it a raging storm, dark alleyways with ominous footsteps, or hail. But the one constant is Spiral's greenhouse. It resides in the very center and is filled to the brim with various flora and fauna. Spiral has a cosy corner in it with bookshelves and a hammock. The air smells fresh and floral, sometimes of freshly brewed tea or coffee. Everyone who enters his nightmare will find his greenhouse no matter which direction they go. One who finds shelter in there will feel a strong urge to not want to leave and ignore the outside world, preferring to hide in the cozy comfort of the greenhouse. 

However, the longer one stays in the greenhouse the more they notice it falling apart. The once pristine glass windows start to stain, and crack. Cobwebs appear and the plants start to wilt. It no longer smells like tea, coffee or like flowers, instead being replaced with a stale air. To escape, one must brave the outside themselves or the greenhouse will collaspe on them

He has some control over his nightmare, in which he can maintain the Nice version of the greenhouse up when his friends visit. But when he's alone he struggles, and sometimes he falls under its influence unconciously, leaving Prince or someone else to drag him out of it. His version of the outside is a raging flood.



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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:


seaweed, Mall Rats, cooking, gardening, fishing, screaming at people

being ignored, jokes about his short height

Significant Others: