MYO-976: Han
Owned By: Silberry
Designed By: Silberry
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Standard (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 10)

[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian only ]

MYO-976: Han's Showcase
ABOUT MYO-976: Han

        Han is a shady character who deals in black market trading and thrives in the underground scene. He's generally incredibly aloof, opportunistic, and can become flirtatious at the drop of a hat if he spots someone that catches his eye. Typically able to keep a level head about most things even in the most dire of circumstances, occasionally his ill-temper will show through (very specific things set him off).

        While he sometimes can be seen during daylight hours, much of his business deals have a tendancy to take place at night as a preference of his clientelle. He is highly sought after by law enforcement for the smuggling and trafficking of illegal goods, weapons, Treats, and Stygian off the Pacific Northwest coast. You name it, he's probably done it. Being excellent at what he does, he's never left enough evidence behind to ever truly be caught for his involvements and his whereabouts are often unknown.

        Due to the nature of his work, relationships are off the table but he welcomes flings.

        He also loves knives and stabby things. And... blood. (He can't help it, he's a shark...)

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