There are a few different ways to creat a Stygian in the Nightmare Realm!
If it's your first Stygian, you should check out the Figment Quest!
Aside from the Figment Quest, MYO tickets are the most common way to create a New Stygian.
Below are a list of the most common tickets for Stygian (and Treat/Treatling) Creation and alteration that you'll find.


- Allow for the creation of an entirely new Stygian with that MYO type. The item itself in your inventory will list how many traits that MYO comes with, and which subspecies it will allow.
- As a standard, Common MYO Tickets come with +1 common trait, Uncommon MYO Tickets come with +1 uncommon non-restricted trait, and Rare MYO Tickets come with +1 rare non-restricted trait.
- Can be used as an alt form ticket or a rebase ticket for an existing Stygian instead of creating a new myo. See below for more information.
- Extra traits can be added using potions.
For more information on Stygian Subspecies see here: STYGIAN SUBSPECIES
For more information on Traits see here: STYGIAN TRAITS
For more information on Potions and using them, see here: POTIONS


- Guardian Stygian are created from the blessings of 1-2 Stygian (one must be owned by you).
- A "jar" is created with their special traits inherited from the Stygian that blessed them.
- Guardian MYO Stygian should look very different from their Blessing Stygian. They are not children, they are wholly different entities! You're free to keep small influences from the Blessing Stygian, as long as they are minor!
- For more details on Guardian MYOs see this page here: GUARDIAN MYO INFORMATION


- Allows for the creation of adding a NEW form to an EXISTING Stygian of an alternate subspecies (whatever is listed on the alt myo ticket).
- As a standard, Common MYO Tickets come with +1 common trait, Uncommon MYO Tickets come with +1 uncommon non-restricted trait, and Rare MYO Tickets come with +1 rare non-restricted trait. You can also use a regular MYO as an alt myo (see below).
- Alt MYO tickets can also be used as rebase tickets, meaning instead of granting a new form, they change the subspecies of an existing form. (If used as a rebase they will keep their free trait.)
- For more information on alt myos, see here: ALT MYO INFORMATION
- Allows you to rebase an existing Stygian image with a new subspecies.
- Some tickets are for a general rarity, meaning you can rebase to any non-restricted subpsecies of that rarity. Some tickets are for a specific subspecies, meaning you can rebase to that subspecies only.
- Keeps the exact same traits and design (colours and markings), only the subspecies changes.
- Rebase Tickets do not come with a free trait, they only change the subspecies.
- Miniature rebase can be used to change a form from mini to regular, or regular to miniature.
- Rewind tickets allow for you to REDESIGN ENTIRELY A STYGIAN using their EXISTING SLOTS for TRAITS and EXISTING SUBSPECIES.
- Colours can be completely changed.
- Common, Uncommon, Rare and Legendary traits can be changed to new non-restricted traits of the same rarity (Stygian and Treatling only). Rare traits can be non-restricted rare traits, uncommon traits can become non-restricted uncommon traits, for example.
- Guardian Trait slots will remain Guardian Trait slots.
- Legendary Traits will remain the same legendary trait (unless retired, reserved, restricted, or unique, then it can be swapped to a non-restricted legendary trait).
- Restricted, Retired, and Special/Unique Traits (such as special inheritances) will be lost when rewinding a Stygian.
- Restricted traits can only be reapplied to a rewound Stygian with a new potion.
- Traits that have a special mutation added (such as Back Spines + Mutation) will keep the trait slot at equivalent rarity, but will lose the mutation.
- Allows you to submit an avatar image of your Stygian on your Stygian's site profile masterslist/for cert. For more information on what avatars are and what each ticket allows, see here: AVATAR FORMS
- Remember, Avatar forms do NOT need to be on the Masterlist in order to be used in quests! You can fully design your avatar form without using an Avatar Ticket.
- Allows you to create a Treat!
- All Treats are coloured on shop provided templates.
- More information and templates can be found here: CYO TREATS


- Allows you to evolve an already existing Treat into a Treatling.
- Does not come with any extra traits.
- If bound to a Treat by ID number, it can only be used on that Treat. If bound to a particular ticket or subspecies, can only be used if all conditions are met.
- For more information on Treatlings, Treats, and Treatling Evolution go here: TREATLING/TREAT INFORMATION
- For more information on Treatling Subspecies go here: TREATLING SUBSPECIES
- For more information Treatling Traits go here: TREATLING TRAITS
- Allows you to create a new Treatling and it's Treat form.
- Comes with +1 Trait of matching rarity for the Treatling Form only.
- Treat form must use the CYO templates and rules found here: CYO TREATS
- For more information on Treatling Subspecies go here: TREATLING SUBSPECIES
- For more information Treatling Traits go here: TREATLING TRAITS
- Allows you give an existing Treatling an alternate Treatling (and matching Treat) form! The alternate form subspecies will be match the on listed on the alt form ticket.
- All previously added traits, save non-restricted legendary, are NOT automatically moved over to the new alt form. New potions will need to be used to add traits. Only subspecies default traits are automatically added. Non-restricted legendary traits can be moved to alt forms.
- Treat form must use the CYO templates and rules found here: CYO TREATS
- For more information on Treatling Subspecies go here: TREATLING SUBSPECIES
- For more information Treatling Traits go here: TREATLING TRAITS

Treatling Alt Form tickets can also be used to rebase an existing Treatling (and it's matching Treat) form:
- Allows you to rebase an existing Treatling - changing it's subspecies to a new subspecies (listed on the rebase ticket).
- All previously added traits, save legendary, are removed when the treatling is rebased.
- Treat form must use the CYO templates and rules found here: CYO TREATS
- For more information on Treatling Subspecies go here: TREATLING SUBSPECIES
- For more information Treatling Traits go here: TREATLING TRAITS
- Allows you to have one form of one Stygian recerted on a special cert border!
- Stygian and Stygian Forms only. Treats, Treatlings, and Divers cannot be certed on the special certs at this time.
- Example of the Halloween Cert: Halloween Cert
- Example of the Winter Cert: Winter Cert
- Redeem in the MYO Submissions, be sure to click the "Use a Recert Token".
- Can only be redeemed by itself! Cannot be paired with art or trait updates.
Created at 2024-12-16 01:28:11