XAVIER education / fabrication / intoxication ⇜----------------- ? -----------------⇝ NIGHTMARE KINGDOM The Corrupted Workshop NECROMANCER Fire & Magic
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Xavier is strikingly extroverted and optimistic for a man who has had such a hard life, but he refuses to let the bad get to him. He is passionate about his work, but such passion has made him rather inflexible; he finds it challenging to work around his own schedule. Nonetheless, he is persistent to the point of restlessness, not knowing when to take a break and take care of himself. This can lead him to become self-indulging, forgetting his own personal limits.
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Character Sheet:
Nightmare of:
Reality Warping
Theme Song:
"Weird Science" - Oingo Boingo
Personality Traits:
optimistic, passionate, imaginative, persistent; inflexible, self-indulging, restless, self-deprecating; has been known to skip meals, talks to himself, bites his pens/pencils; a perfectionist, works rigorously, a bit spineless/wimpy.