MYO-841: Lucifer
Owned By: Corrin
Designed By: Corrin
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Spectral (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

Traits: Show All Traits ( 13)

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MYO-841: Lucifer's Showcase


ABOUT MYO-841: Lucifer

It feels like all of this has happened before...


he/him || 28

he's here!!! one of my most beloved characters now in stygian form.

a hotheaded boy with a punk attitude and tragic past that does everything he can to move forward for the sake of those he cares about. despite violence being an intrinsic part of his existence, he's actually a deeply kind person who would do anything for his friends and the people that society has left behind.

he's not afraid to get into fights or hurt others if it means accomplishing what needs to be done, and he miiight go too far on occasion. but he genuinely does want to be good and do good...though perhaps it isn't always for the best reasons. 


his nightmare is a single city district that loops in on itself. the buildings and streets don't make sense and there are times when the neon lights are so bright and numerous that it's disorienting, getting lost here is inevitable. it's always changing, shops and hopes vanishing and being replaced with new things. it's always being built higher and higher, more and more, like it's trying to do everything it can distract you. distract you from what lurks in the darkest corners. if you were to ever leave the light, to venture into the shadowed alleyways or the abandoned buildings at the edges you will meet a horrible, violent end. something terrible is hiding here, and lucifer seeks to find it but it always seems to evade him. it's like he's set up to be the hero here but can never seem to succeed, that accomplishment and the approval that comes with it is just out of reach.

other notes:
- it often rains there so the streets are usually wet and reflect the lights!
- there are also tons of shops selling things of all kinds. all sorts of weird foods! arcades, bars, clothing stores, ect ect. 
- there is a lot of crime all the time, it's fairly lawless. and when someone is mugged/attacked/injured it's like others can't hear their calls for help. but this only happens in places where the light doesn't reach
- if any blood is spilled in the district it will always be various bright neon splatters of color.


- avatar!!!!


Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Violence in a neon city


Personality Traits:
chaotic, bold, forward, loud, hot-headed, passionate, hates authority, not afraid to fight, WILL throw the first punch, delinquent with a heart of gold, deeply kind and caring for others especially those that society has abandoned, he's the type who would take a bullet for a friend, he constantly tries to take on the brunt of other people's burdens. he's selfless for selfish reasons

playing music, urban exploration, parties, arson, property damage, defying authority, hurting people who "deserve" it, fighting in the streets, being dependend on

people who control others, people who hurt innocents, losing

strong willed and resourceful, has leadership qualities so people tend to rally around him

quick to anger and throw the first punch, takes on more than he can handle

Chaotic Good
