Show D-481's Masterslist Info:
D-481: Nessariah Diamond Chrysanthemum Tachikaw < Princess of the Moon >
Owned By: auriciela
Designed By: corowne
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Wishing (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests

Traits: Show All Traits ( 11)
Show special info
+ Major Sigil Rank 3 (Event Exclusive)

+ Treat Companion

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
*This Treat and Stygian cannot be separated. If sold, traded, or gifted, it must always be as a pair.

Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2020-10-08 17:46:07 auriciela Used Physical Attack Up! to raise PATK. Stats are now PATK: 11, MATK: 10.
2020-08-27 17:41:06 auriciela Used Magical Attack Up! to raise MATK. Stats are now PATK: 10, MATK: 10.
2020-08-27 17:40:57 auriciela Used Magical Attack Up! to raise MATK. Stats are now PATK: 10, MATK: 9.
2020-08-27 17:40:39 auriciela Used Physical Attack Up! to raise PATK. Stats are now PATK: 10, MATK: 8.
2020-08-27 17:40:06 auriciela Rolling stats! PATK: 4 (taking old PATK of 9), MATK: 5 (taking old MATK of 8).
2020-08-27 17:39:36 auriciela Rolling stats! PATK: 4 (taking old PATK of 9), MATK: 4 (taking old MATK of 8).
2020-05-04 09:58:59 auriciela Purchasing Spellcaster 2: Magick Missile -10 12
2020-05-04 09:58:51 auriciela Purchasing Spellcaster 1: Leylines (Quest Bonus) -5 22
2020-05-04 09:58:47 auriciela Assigned spare SP. 27 27
2020-05-04 09:53:22 auriciela Rolling stats! PATK: 9, MATK: 8.
2020-05-04 09:52:59 auriciela Rolling stats! PATK: 4, MATK: 4 (taking old MATK of 8).
2020-05-04 09:52:31 auriciela Element updated to Magic.
2020-05-04 09:52:31 auriciela Rolling stats! PATK: 4, MATK: 8.
2020-04-24 10:40:47 Grifferie Added to the masterlist.