[ Figments cannot be transferred ]
As they feel their privileges slipping through their fingers,
they tighten their grip and fight fang and claw to remain in control as the masters of their kind.
A poor ally but an even worse enemy, Andrith is, from start to end- full of himself. He'll end up getting into trouble due to how much he can't handle having anyone else above him in the metaphorical food chain.
Name: Andrith |
Nightmare of: The Grand Hotel of a City coated in Red; The hotel itself is a castle of fear- whether that's because of the vampires that watch your movements silently from every angle, or because of the horrifying tension that the place reeks of. There's no place to wander that isn't crawling with darkness and vampiric beasts that stalk you through the city. |
Title: Primogen of The Tyrants |
Pronouns: He/Him
Theme Song: How I'd Kill - Cowboy Malfoy
Personality Traits: Manipulative, Self Assured, Confident, Paranoid, Cruel
Alignment: Lawful Evil