Date | User | Log | SP | SP(Total) |
2020-11-19 22:36:50 | nothingyet | [QUEST] WND-005 Esther and Nemo: WND-005 | 9 | 27 |
2020-06-03 08:57:30 | Grifferie | [QUEST] Col-003: COL-003 | 11 | 18 |
2020-05-04 07:55:38 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Tart Treat Harvest | -2 | 7 |
2020-05-04 07:55:20 | Malusdraco | Assigned spare SP. | 2 | 9 |
2020-03-07 08:10:01 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Battle Ruby Floresce | -2 | 7 |
2020-03-02 13:31:47 | Grifferie | [QUEST] The Void: Chapter 8: M-006 | 1 | 9 |
2020-01-09 08:51:37 | Malusdraco | Fed 10SP to Lunar Mouse (Egg) | -10 | 8 |
2020-01-09 08:51:14 | Malusdraco | Fed 5SP to Lunar Mouse (Egg) | -5 | 18 |
2020-01-09 08:50:35 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Lunar Mouse (Egg) | -2 | 23 |
2019-11-11 14:09:39 | kuro | [QUEST] Li-002 Book of Romance ch 2: LI-002 | 12 | 25 |
2019-10-28 08:20:47 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce Contract | -2 | 13 |
2019-10-28 08:20:27 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce Contract | -2 | 15 |
2019-10-28 08:20:06 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce Contract | -2 | 17 |
2019-10-28 08:19:02 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce Contract | -2 | 19 |
2019-10-28 08:17:56 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce Halloween | -2 | 21 |
2019-10-28 08:17:26 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce Contract | -2 | 23 |
2019-10-12 12:12:42 | kuro | [QUEST] Li-001 Book Of Romance: LI-001 | 14 | 25 |
2019-10-09 09:49:22 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Literary Floresce | -2 | 11 |
2019-10-07 18:08:28 | kuro | [QUEST] [Stygians] Li-001 book of YA Cover: LI-001 | 10 | 13 |
2019-06-30 20:08:42 | nothingyet | [QUEST] [190629] S-215: D-003 | 3 | 3 |
2019-06-25 12:25:49 | Malusdraco | Rolling stats! PATK: 8, MATK: 5. | ||
2019-06-21 19:56:21 | Malusdraco | Purchasing Alchemist 3: Equivalent Exchange | -25 | 0 |
2019-06-21 19:56:10 | Malusdraco | Purchasing Alchemist 2: Potions Mastery | -10 | 25 |
2019-06-21 19:56:01 | Malusdraco | Purchasing Alchemist 1: Basic Science | -5 | 35 |
2019-06-21 19:54:39 | Malusdraco | Purchasing Assassin 3: Death From Above | -25 | 40 |
2019-06-21 16:46:31 | Meroviathan | [QUEST] [Stygians] Aftermath: R-002 | 24 | 65 |
2019-06-19 23:03:53 | nothingyet | [QUEST] Esther Chibi: R-001 | 3 | 41 |
2019-06-16 09:38:39 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Golden Floresce | -2 | 38 |
2019-06-10 11:47:43 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce | -2 | 40 |
2019-06-04 08:44:09 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce | -2 | 42 |
2019-06-02 23:25:34 | Malusdraco | Fed 5SP to Rainbow Spoolfish | -5 | 44 |
2019-06-02 22:57:16 | Malusdraco | Fed 5SP to Seature | -5 | 49 |
2019-06-02 22:56:41 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Seature | -2 | 54 |
2019-06-02 22:56:37 | Malusdraco | Fed 1SP to Seature | -1 | 56 |
2019-06-02 22:56:33 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Seature | -2 | 57 |
2019-06-02 22:55:58 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce | -2 | 59 |
2019-06-02 22:55:29 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce | -2 | 61 |
2019-06-02 22:55:04 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Sunset Floresce | -2 | 63 |
2019-06-02 22:53:58 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Tarttreat Celebration | -2 | 65 |
2019-05-30 14:58:19 | Malusdraco | Assigned spare SP. | 31 | 67 |
2019-05-26 19:08:26 | Malusdraco | Assigned spare SP. | 24 | 36 |
2019-05-23 10:34:51 | Malusdraco | Assigned spare SP. | 12 | 12 |
2019-04-30 19:03:45 | Malusdraco | Fed 5SP to Rainbow Spoolfish | -5 | 0 |
2019-04-30 19:03:35 | Malusdraco | Assigned spare SP. | 5 | 5 |
2019-04-20 19:35:31 | Malusdraco | Fed 5SP to Easter Egg | -5 | 0 |
2019-04-18 19:49:14 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Easter Egg | -2 | 5 |
2019-04-18 19:49:07 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Easter Egg | -2 | 7 |
2019-04-18 19:49:02 | Malusdraco | Fed 1SP to Easter Egg | -1 | 9 |
2019-04-11 08:48:14 | Malusdraco | Assigned spare SP. | 10 | 10 |
2019-04-04 19:59:34 | Malusdraco | Fed 2SP to Floresce | -2 | 0 |