D-163: Jethro < LEVIATHAN >
Owned By: Jettisonius
Designed By: Waschmittelpulver
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Shark (Uncommon)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 9)

+ Jobs Unlocked: Pirate, Explorer

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ABOUT D-163: Jethro

An oft-times spontaneous adrenaline junkie with a boisterous but very morbid sense of humour. He lives by the motto 'If you've committed to it, do it with all your heart!', and honestly, he's so energetic that it's not hard to believe he does. Loves interesting people, and people who are always willing to try out new things with him. Tends to take dares and do ridiculous things, if only for the rush of danger. He is... ancient, for a Stygian, yet he is as distractible as a child. The madness, they say, leeches on the mind.

His domain has two parts: the surface level and the deep end, literally. One part is a normal-looking rocky cove/rock beach with a fairly ordinary but politely hostile fishing village obsessed with hunting large sea creatures to 'protect themselves' (if he wants to live, Jethro only approaches this place in his alt form). The other part is a jagged semi-submerged cave at the shore that leads to the deep end where Jethro's main HQ lies, accessible only by diving into a pretty pool in said cave.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
The secrets you keep to keep the peace. The state of [wanting to lower your inhibitions and give into your primal instincts] but never being allowed to on pain of losing everything you know. The madness of deprivation (original theme)


Theme Song:
My Time - Bo En

don't eat them. don't eat them. don't eat them. don't eat them. don't eat them. don't - actually no that one's okay, go ahead. haha. get it?

Personality Traits:
Very open to new ideas, quite easygoing but resistant to order. At times, extremely energetic, at others, so very languid, not unlike a particularly temperamental coiling serpent. Generally impulsive and enjoys meeting new people, but bad at emotional investment and consideration for others. Very, very emotionally unstable, almost despairingly so. A chaotically friendly character who lives life by their own moral code; the type who'll forcibly insert himself into someone's life, become wholly enamoured with them for a little while then move on when his attention fails to be captured any longer. His primordial madness consists of need so abyssally hungry his mind can't bear the pain of it all. When it awakens, as it is want to do, please bear with us during these times of misfortune.

eating. food. eating food. funny things. not being empty. flexible plans. daughter. sisters. nephews. dinners. baits. toys. what?

soft drinks. enclosed spaces. people who are too serious, unless it's funny. perfume and cologne, scents that are too strong. the look in their eyes. the terror. the fear. the absence of love, in the face of your needless cruelty. nn. needless...?

big firm hugs. long fond memory. no giving up. brute strength. endless appetite. the Hunt, when it Calls for your Service.

there is no weakness. there is only the hunt. the hunger. the need. to consume. the pain. there is. no opposition. proceed. consume.

Chaotic Neutral