MYO-170: Phoebe < Watcher >
Owned By: Jettisonius
Designed By: Jettisonius
Rarity: Rare
Subspecies: Bookwyrm (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

Traits: Show All Traits ( 8)

+ Jobs Unlocked: Librarian

[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian only ]

ABOUT MYO-170: Phoebe

"For forever and a day, she will wait for the one she loves no matter what." - Florens' Journal

A reserved soul who can get almost neurotic about cleanliness and order. Even though she tends to stay near her headquarters, scanning the oceans every day, some instinct will always alert her to intruders, whereupon she will surely call her steed to her and pursue them with ruthless speed.

Though she often presents a docile demeanour, Phoebe can be quite frank and brusque with her speech, a sharp side of her that supplements her wrathfully protective nature.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Waiting for something, or someone, you know will never come home.


Theme Song:
On a Good Day (Spencer Pugh cover) - Joanna Newsom

Archivist. Lighthouse Keeper. Witness.

Personality Traits:
Steadfast and unyielding, extremely efficient in doing her duty. Extremely withdrawn and argumentative, but doesn't recover from stressful events well. A harsh but extremely reliable character who protects herself and her own.

Peace and quiet. Fruit tea. Boats. Fairness. Promises kept and unbroken.

Impoliteness. The dark. Ultimatums. Planes and airports. Trespassers.

Memory. Battle. Archiving. Protection. Patience.

Vision. Rigidity. Inability to let things go. Hope. Despair.

Neutral Neutral