THEIR ROMANTIC FUTURE (100% accurate prediction):

Show G-093's Masterslist Info:
G-093: The Dissonant - Baal
Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2019-07-20 09:24:14 Grifferie [QUEST] Astra's Headshot: D-003 2 7
2019-02-09 20:29:40 astra [QUEST] stygian - r-001 - baal: R-001 2 5
2018-12-19 04:07:23 Grifferie [QUEST] Astrakitty[1]: R-001 3 3
2018-12-18 22:08:48 astra Element updated to Light.
2018-12-18 22:08:48 astra Rolling stats! PATK: 7, MATK: 5.
2018-12-18 16:45:40 Grifferie Rarity updated to Demi-God.
2018-11-29 09:16:35 astra Added to the masterlist.