Show L-111's Masterslist Info:
L-111: Atri
Owned By: Ithiltari
Designed By: Zoomutt
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Wishing (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Trade (items, currency) only, contact via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 16)
Show special info + inheritances
Rarity : Legendary
Branch: Child of Silence
Special Type: Dream
Special Traits:

Double mantle (Unique to this auction): All Guardian Stygian created from this one can inherit a double mantle trait at no additional cost IF they pick the wish subspecies. Please consult the diagram above to see how to create the double mantle. Double mantles cannot be combined with supersize, or replaced by elemental (elemental layering over is fine!). The second layer of mantle must always be semi-transparent. This is an OPTIONAL inheritance from this legendary (by choice if you wish to have the Guardian result inherit it). 

Shhh....: (IC only) This Stygian, when in their Nightmare, and in close range with other Stygian, exerts an unusual heavy atmosphere. All sound disappears - there is only silence. This is an IC effect they can control, meaning if they wish, they can also turn off their "pocket of silence".

* This Legendary's sizing of halo is a non-inheritable trait - Guardian halos should follow usual sizing guidelines.

[Can Gift / Trade / Sell]

Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2019-11-08 22:24:47 Ithiltari Fed 5SP to Rainbow Floresce -5 7
2019-10-09 17:28:42 kuro [QUEST] Li-001 - Fantasy - Pines and Prayers - Keryn+Atri: LI-001 12 12
2019-10-09 14:49:15 Ithiltari Element updated to Light.
2019-08-30 09:43:44 Ithiltari Element updated to Ghost.
2019-08-30 09:43:44 Ithiltari Rolling stats! PATK: 12, MATK: 12.
2019-08-29 10:52:54 Grifferie Added to the masterlist.