MYO-983: Lepis < Burning Rebirth >
Owned By: Synoicus
Designed By: Synoicus
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Dragon (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

Traits: Show All Traits ( 10)

[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian only ]

MYO-983: Lepis's Showcase

Legendary Floresce

Balamtam Phoenix


Lindworm Candycorn

ABOUT MYO-983: Lepis

Toyhouse profile

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An enigmatic and curious figure, born from a strange nightmare of a field of everburning, shifting butterflies. It chooses to primarily appear in rather tumultous situations, lending to its air of mystery and strangeness, operating on a logic that is seemingly uncomprihensible to most denizens of the nightmare realm. It is also a stygian of rather few words, choosing to act rather than speak, and what little comes from it are a few brief whispers of explainations of what it is there for.

In spite of its strangeness, it is rather benevolent towards many it appears to, often guiding those in need. Through its actions and what little it says, one can recognize that it seems to consider itself a judge of sorts; with it aiding those who it deems worthy, and reaping those who it considers worthy adversaries with a rather large amount of fierocity. Its sense of judgement is incredibly accurate as well, allowing for its scarce sightings rather welcome by some. However, its general cryptic nature leads many more to fear it, and even more to think it is merely incredibly strange- not that it really seems to care either way.

Ultimately, Lepis is considered much more of a force of nature rather than a personable figure one can know, seemingly guided by its own plans and instincts. A few scarce rumors do believe that there is more to the strange stygian than what it presents- but it never really seems to linger any longer for anyone to be able to truly confirm.


Lepis' kingdom is a bright field in which every ruddy blade and leaf is accompanied with the stark bright reds and orange of flames that flutter fiercely. The entire kingdom is doused with a flame that can either feel like a gentle, pacifying warmth to a searing heat that burns with a sharp cleave directly to the heart- even its kingdom seems to judge any who enter its grounds. The sky above is always a deep, inky black, with a few bright stars dappled across the large swaths of darkness, leaving the bright field below it as the sole source of light- not that it isn't bright enough to light up the entire kingdom.

Even within the flames, there is an air of divine serenity in the form of the many butterflies and moths made of the same flames that linger around in the air- while very similar in terms of composition and form to the familiars that always linger around its creator, the fauna of its kingdom are almost constantly changing their form, seemingly caught in an eternal cycle of change.

If you look very carefully, while most of the kingdom seems to be a completely flat field, the edges of the kingdom seemingly curl up to create a dome in the same dark reds of the field's flora- cocooning its creator within.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Rebirth, judgement, change, a field of burning butterflies

Burning Rebirth



Personality Traits:
Quiet, enigmatic, observative

Pure strength, strong sense of judgement, benevolent

Uncommunicative, reclusive, alien, unpredictable

Chaotic Neutral
