MYO-189: Pandora < Snakeskin >
Owned By: Jettisonius
Designed By: Jettisonius
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Feline (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

Traits: Show All Traits ( 13)
ABOUT MYO-189: Pandora


He's cool. He's, like, so cool, you have no idea. He may have been around since the Sleeping Tree was basically a sapling, but there's no one more hip with the kids than your ol pal Pandora. 

Here, take an egg! Treasure it. Water it. Love it like your own child, and if it likes you, then Pan's all too happy to let you redeem it in exchange for a favour. Just remember, the moment you accidentally harm the shell on its precious little head is the moment you get an enemy for as long it takes to stage a dramatic revenge plot! That's just how it be, hon.

(But of course, he always does a background check on whoever he lends his eggs to anyways, so I'm sure you have nothing to fear, really. Just be prepared to sacrifice whatever valuable artifact you have on hand, and he'll be pacified in no time.)

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Your dark past (feat. the beliefs and stupid things you said, did and thought were 'cool' or 'right' when you were younger)


Guard. Treasurer. Spy.

Personality Traits:
Quite flexible and interested in other perspectives. Very practical, extremely dramatic and energetic, but intensely devoted to a singular group at the expense of all others (despite alleged pretences). Very emotionally resilient. A bright, stable and outgoing person who's surprisingly ruthless.

Neutral Neutral
