G-067: The Juxtaposed
Owned By: astra
Designed By: jaywalkings
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Guardian (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests

Traits: Show All Traits ( 12)

+ Unique Trait: Incomplete Limbs/Chest (Not inheritable)

[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian only ]

ABOUT G-067: The Juxtaposed

Masterlist Entry


The Juxtaposed is the first creation of Order and Chaos, constructed from the ground to be a being perfectly balanced between the alignments of the universe-- with middling success.

Instead of true balance, The Juxtaposed swings wildly from one nature to another, often disintegrating immensely during the flip. It is not an alternate personality-- they are still themselves, through and through.  At times they are silent and stern and morose, and at others, they are wildly ecstatic and furious in equal measure, a vortex of emotion and feathers.


Their kingdom is as fragmented as they are, with conflicting architecture that goes nowhere, streets with dead-ends, a beach that never ends, and weather that changes in a flash.


They are loyal to their progenitors, and no one else.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:

The Juxtaposed
