THEIR ROMANTIC FUTURE (100% accurate prediction):

Show L-245's Masterslist Info:
L-245: Haruka < Knight of the South >
Owned By: Arolitic
Designed By: Lilkyubee
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Spectral (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Trade (items, currency) only, contact via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 23)

Show special info + inheritances
Rarity: Legendary
Branch: Child of South
Special Type: Kingsguard
Special Jobs Unlocked: Royal Guard
Special Traits:
★ [ Kingsguard of Dreams Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Animated Weapons Mastery trait at no additional cost (optional).
★ [ Cherry Blossom Spectral (LIMIT 3) ]: Grants any EXISTING or new Guardian the Cherry Blossom Spectral trait at no additional cost. This affects only spectral and primordial Spectral subspecies Stygian (the Stygian must be spectral or primordial spectral). Instead of diamonds along the chest (for regular) and UPPER legs (for both) as required of the subspecies, they can be instead cherry blossom flower OR petal shaped (for petal shape see Stygian above). Sizing should be same size as the usual subspecies diamonds shape.  The countdown affects both for example: you could use one for an existing Stygian, and one for a new Guardian, that would be 2 of the 3 limit. Please when using make sure the person who is using this blessing they have a screenshot of your permission to use this trait during redeems.


★ [ Southern Hemisphere (IC ONLY) ]: Where they travel the air gets warmer, humid almost, like a perpetual summery spring. Flowers bloom, trees grow and then turn into a nightmare amalgamation of tropical overgrowth.

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
[This Stygian cannot be separated from its Fragment Treat Companion T-1413. If rehomed, it must always be together.]