This is a list of all Stygian Traits! ADDITIONAL Traits for your Stygian/ MYO can be purchased using the shop link below and/or obtained in various site ARPG activities. They show up in your items inventory, and you can use them in the Redeem MYO/ML link below.

Stygian being redeemed have a MAX TRAIT ADDON CAP OF 20 COMMON/UNCOMMON/RARE/GUARDIAN/LEGENDARY traits (not including subspecies default traits such as "spine fur" for Parasitic Stygian). Of course this is a highly ludicrous cap: Stygian are equally loved with no traits, some traits, or lots of traits!


Is restricted:
Artificial Okay:

Now searching Weaponed Tail trait, by all eligible results. ( 1 results found)
Weaponed Tail Guardian

Gives your Stygian a Guardian Weaponed Tail trait. This gives your Stygian a tail that turns into a fully functional weapon at the end. This cannot be inherited or passed to ALT MYOs.
MAX SIZING: 300 % body size
Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Fantasy Tail Long Tail Short/Medium Tail
Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Tails Sentient Tail Supersize
This is a Restricted trait and can only be unlocked by the pairing with Primordial or unlocked with a Job Skill or Guardian Contract, with potions needed as necessary. It cannot be applied using a General Guardian Trait potion. This trait cannot be inherited by Guardians or passed on to Alt MYOs
  • Gives your Stygian a tail that turns into a bladed weapon at the end. The flexible (organic) part of the tail must be between 100% and 200% of body length. The bladed weapon can be max 100% of the body length.
  • Can be added to a Stygian that has a Guardian trait unlocked with the Primordial trait or certain job skills (Explorer, Pirate, Librarian) or Guardian Contract. Potions are required when unlocked with the Primordial trait, the Explorer job class, or Contract.
  • Can be stacked with Elemental Aura to give the bladed weapon a metal coating. Elemental Aura cannot infuse or replace any part of the tail.
  • Skeletal Replacement cannot replace the weapon part of the tail, only the organic part.
  • Must be a bladed weapon and fully connected. Cannot be a projectile, be a chain, be a mace, break apart, etc.
  • Cannot have Supersize, Multiple Tails, or Sentient Tail applied to Weaponed Tails. For larger sizing use [++].