L-190: Sheik < The Nameless King >
Owned By: Arolitic
Designed By: Zoomutt
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Lindwyrm (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Trade (items, currency) only, contact via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 26)

Show special info + inheritances
Rarity : Legendary
Branch: Child of Calamity
Special TypeNull/Elder

Special Traits:

Glitch Inheritance: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Glitch trait. This takes up a rare slot for inheritance.

★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.

Sword of Calamity (LIMIT 5) : Any EXISTING Stygian OR NEW GUARDIAN Stygian (Guardians must be blessed by this Stygian) can inherit the Sword of Calamity  at no additional cost. This allows for a sword MADE PURELY FROM AN ELEMENT AURA (such as shadow, ice, light, etc) to fully pierce the Stygian's body/chest (not including head or limbs). This bypasses the need otherwise to have functioning weapons piercing the body to be achieveable only with Hollow Crater. Weapon must be sword based, max 150% Stygian body size (or 100% bipedal). The countdown affects both for example: you could use one for an existing Stygian, and one for a Guardian blessing, that would be 2 of the 3 limit. Please when using make sure the person who is using your blessing if not a Guardian jar has a screenshot of your permission to use this trait during redeems.

Corrupted Nightmare Tree Raid (IC ONLY): As this Stygian's origin is the Corrupted Nightmare Tree raid, technically a part of it lives within that raid/ Dream-Online. It can always return its consciousness to its origins: though even if it is not there, the raid continues to function with a projected version of them. However, returning to the raid with their full consciousness after their freedom may lead to disastrous consequences, and unexpected dialogue and behaviour that is no longer quite scripted. 

Corrupted King of Nightmares (IC ONLY ): The boss has four phases:
  • Phase 1: The first phase is a simple damage phase, where the boss rp talks about being lost and forgotten, chained to the Corrupted Nightmare Tree forever for their sins and punishment. They take the appearance of a human (avatar) form, weaponless.
  • Phase 2: The second phase begins at 90% health. The entire arena is consumed in shadows before focusing into one point, a circle around the boss that condenses into a living shadow sword. As the shadows condense, the arena turns white. Circular shadow aoe pools spawn beneath the players: they must make sure to strategize where to place these aoe pools as they do not despawn until the boss is pushed past 50%
  • Phase 3: The third phase begins at 50% of the boss's health. As the boss falls, they release their grip on the sword. Players must break the chains between the sword, that functions as an entity of its own, and the boss. The sword's chains eventually will sever, and a party member must carry the sword across the arena to stab the boss with the sword. 
  • Final Phase: This will begin the second part of the encounter, as the sword is embedded into the boss, and they shift to their Stygian form, taking the likeliness of massive wyrm. The corruption from the sword has consumed them entirely, and they will perform attacks from phases 1 - 3, along with summoning the [ remnants of past heroes ], a random skill from the previously defeated 9 heroes. Around the arena are 13 weapons that each are initiated at random points in time. Breaking all 13 weapons frees the boss from their shackles, as the entire platform collapses and the boss falls to their demise.     


[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
[This Stygian cannot be separated from its Fragment (Treat Companion). If rehomed, it must always be as a pair.]
+ Jobs Unlocked: Merchant

L-190: Sheik's Showcase

Fountain of Wisdom

Fountain of Power

Temple of Time

Hyrule Castle

Kakariko Graveyard

Yoll Graveyard

ABOUT L-190: Sheik

The Final Boss


Its nine heroes slain, the False Nightmare Tree calls forth its final and ultimate Champion. The Shackled Hero. The Corrupted King of Nightmares. The Nameless Legend. This final champion of the False Tree was never given a name. It was never important enough to the False Tree to be named. The Nameless King serves as the final boss of Dream-Online but is only ever encountered by top players in high level raid groups. Those fortunate enough to face the final boss will find themselves in a difficult battle with multiple different phases and attack cycles. Only the most skilled of players have ever been able to slay the Corrupt King and defeat the False Nightmare Tree.
Very little lore about The Shackled Hero exists in the game. He is never mentioned by name - in fact data mining reveals that the King has no name. Very few NPCs even mention the Nameless King. The information about him is scant. A few scraps of paper from an old book mention the ten champions of the False Tree. A desert NPC mentions an ancient King forged in another's image.
The False Nightmare Tree created the Nameless Hero as a replica of The Nightmare King but after so many transfers, duplications, and corruptions, the only remnants of the Nightmare King's code are the shackles that chain him to the False Nightmare Tree forever.
Constant battles, spilling others’ blood, their own blood spilled… it all weighed heavy on the code of the Nameless Hero. Trapped in an arena filled with blood and corpses only they could see, it didn't take long for the glitches to start.

The Stygian

Never given a name of their own, it was one of the first things the stygian sought out once they broke free of their code. ‘Sheik’ was an unusual name but it was one that resonated with her. Yes that was right - her. With the new found free will, Sheik realised they were no longer bound to the rigid parameters of their code and could identify however she pleased. It was freeing in a way she could never describe, to leave her old identity - made rigid with code and rules - and flourish in one crafted for herself, by herself.
Sheik is a quiet Stygian. Despite her large size and intimidating stature, Sheik prefers a more peaceful existence. Years of fighting (and dying) for the sake of the False Nightmare Tree has left a bitter resentment for violence in Sheik. She despises those who seek bloodshed for their own amusement. Of course she is not so naive as to deny that sometimes such violence is unavoidable.. or required. The Corrupt King never spoke - not truly at least, instead he was used as a mouthpiece through which the Fallen Heroes and The False Nightmare Tree spoke - they never had a true voice of their own, speaking in an amalgamation of other voices. Sheik, however, does have a voice. One she earned herself. But as it is so new to her that Sheik struggles to speak at times and at other times she forgets she can speak all together. It has been noted that Sheik speaks in a stilted and overly formal manner - one clearly learnt from text rather than active participation. Despite her quiet demeanour, Sheik is open about expressing her opinions. Perhaps a little too open. She does not let anyone speak for her, with the exception of her Fragment; Midna. They have spent most of their existence with little say of their own, she is not about to let the same thing happen while she is finally free.
After being chained to The False Nightmare Tree for so long, able only to pace their arena like a caged tiger, Sheik is eager to explore other Kingdoms and Castles. However, fear of being recognised and possibly challenged keeps Sheik in the shadows. She avoids places that are too popular or too crowded, preferring wide open spaces where it is unlikely that she will run into another Stygian. While the chains of their past may still cling to her, Sheik is hopeful for the future.


The Kingdom

Edge of Calamity

Stark white fields of grass and dirt stretch below a black sky. No stars are visible. The only source of light is the Red Moon. Engulfed in red and orange light, the Moon is crumbling. Splitting apart. Below it lies a white tree, its branches bare and stretched towards the sky like claws attempting to ensnare the Moon. It towers above all else. At its base it is surrounded by the ruins of a castle keep and its surrounding walled city. The collapsing buildings built from a deep red stone - the only colour in the landscape. In the heart of the castle, between the roots of the Tree, is the Arena. An open space of white stone and littered with broken weapons and armour. Heavy steel chains have been hammered into the stone floor. Deep grooves like claw marks scar the otherwise pristine stone. Something was once held here. But the arena is empty and the chains are broken. It isn't here any more.

Small glitches occur around the Kingdom on occasion. They invert the colours within them but are otherwise harmless. However, sometimes the entire Kingdom will glitch out. The sky becomes a pure white and the moon turns to pitch. Grass and stone turn black. The Tree in the centre of the Kingdom blooms a bright blood red. It only lasts a second but you could have sworn you saw leaves. Then as quickly as it happened, the Kingdom reverts back to its original colours.

Points of Interest:
The White Fields
City Ruins
The Arena
Effigy of The False Tree

Please ask about Guardian Blessings! I am usually happy to give blessings but like to know before hand.

Glitch Inheritance is FREE TO USE

Primordial Inheritance is FREE TO USE

Sword of Calamity Inheritance is RESTRICTED to trade only - currently CLOSED for offers

Sword of Calamity Inheritance Uses:

1. L-284

2. Reserved for Personal Use

3. Not used

4. Not used

5. Not used

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Endless Calamity

The Nameless King


Theme Song:
"The World Looks White, The World Looks Red" Heaven Pierce Her

Retired, Former Final Boss of Dream-Online

Personality Traits:
+ Peaceful, Intelligent, Strong Willed = Dry Sense of Humor, Formal, Quiet - Unstable Emotions, Withdrawn, Stubborn

Wide open spaces, New Kingdoms to explore, Bird song

Dream-Online, Weapons, Battling Heroes and Players

Physically Strong, Excellent Swordsman, Near Photographic Memory

Struggles with Speech, Weak control of emotions, Poor memory of names

Lawful Neutral
