Special Traits:
★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.
Hat of Imagination (LIMIT 3): Guardian Stygian created from this Stygian may inherit ++ enchanted hat accessory at no additional cost. This is an enchanted accessory shaped like a hat, with (optional) element at the bottom side of the brim. Can be any discernible brimmed hat type. Cannot exceed 75% for quad, 50% for bipedal, including the element. This does not stack with Styx subspecies, and cannot be passed to those Guardian's alternate forms.
[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
Name: RYUNWA |
Nightmare of: Reckless and chaotic - dancing through a room of vases with each spin and step knocking another over. The porcelain shards embed into your feet. You cannot stop. You must keep going. You must keep going until your feet are so torn apart that you physically crumple, and even then you cannot stop yourself. You are delirious. You must make merry, you must keep dancing! Even if it costs you everything. Even if it costs you your life. After all, what life is lived if not on the line? |
Title: AoE Mercury Poisoning |
Pronouns: They/It
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/TG9IjsxAWUs
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral