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Created at 2024-05-27 19:50:45

Happy Valentines day! Better late than never are some VALENTINES UPDATES! Valentines special events end FEB 24th @ 11:59 PM PST




You can find EVENT ONLY plants over at gardening! Get a hold of [ SURPRISE EVENT SEED PACKETS ] in the [ LEAF GACHA ] as well as EVENTS BELOW to hatch your own mome plants!

You can use these mome plants to get SPECIAL RELEASE PRIZES in gardening alchemy, such as potions you normally cannot get save in rare questing feats, new daydreams and more!


Try hybriding them together and creating combos, to turn them in for daydreams in the [ GARDENING ALCHEMY]. The release of event seed packets are limited to this week only!



There is a NEW MINIGAME TOURNAMENT LIVE! To follow the valentines theme, the tournament is for Puzzle's Memory Game! A tournament is simply special prizes that are rewarded ONLY FOR SCORING THE ABOVE SCORES during the DURATION OF THE TOURNAMENT! That means, just by participating and submitting your score for the duration of this week for Puzzle's Memory Game, you will obtain the above prizes equal to your cumulative score!  


Romantic predictions are back! Simply go to any of your Stygian's profiles to view their 10000% accurate romantic predictions! If you have not obtained the achievement already, you may even get a special limited time achievement for your snooping. 




To celebrate the gardening release, you can obtain a FREE SURPRISE SEED PACKET EVERY 24 HOURS by checking out dailies here! Don't forget to claim them until the event closes!



I've scattered a bunch of daydreams throughout the various event shops! Find, and obtain them for a limited time only;
And lastly, we have two Stygian sales for some very special HYBRID Stygian x Nyagon Legendaries! Check them out by clicking the image below!
{ Stygian Legendary Hybrid Auction } Midnight { Stygian Legendary Hybrid Auction } Daylight

Created at 2021-02-14 23:37:22


Have a wonderful Lunar New Years! Claim your free gift below and use it in the LUCKY ENVELOPE SHOP to redeem a variety of prizes, and even a NEW THEMED DAYDREAM!



Created at 2021-02-11 19:34:46


  •  Most have 1:1 conversions (ie Level 1 Baby Carrot -> Baby Carrot), if they dont have a proper conversion, I just approximated the next closest thing
  • New conversions can be used in NEW GARDENING  
  • Empty flower pots will now when you open them, turn into a RANDOM seed packet
  • New Gardening quests are now available [ HERE ]!



  • There are NEW Daydreams in stock in the [ Leaf Exchange ] and [ Midway ] Shops! 
  • [ Stygian ] and [ Treat ] masterslist also links to the DA masterslist and how to rehome. 
  • The main [ site front page ] has been updated when you log in!
  • All shops now show up in the Shops dropdown!
  • Plantdex ] has been added to dropdown!

Created at 2021-02-03 21:23:56

GARDENING 2.0 (soft opening edition) IS LIVE




Create your own garden with your Stygian and Treat tag teams! Collect seed packets, plants, and merge existing plants you've obtain, or plant them in various arrangements to try to get rarer hybrids! It is rumoured that the rarest hybrid give GARDENING EXCLUSIVE prizes such as the new BEE TREAT CYO (evolves to Fairy Treatlings + BEE TRAITS) or BLOSSOMING ALT SUBSPECIES.


In addition, we've released FOUR NEW TRAITS new to gardening: Stygian Fairy Ears, Stygian Leg Spines, Treatling Downward-facing Ears, and Treatling Ankle wings!


GARDENING STARTER KIT BUNDLE: Of course what is a release without a FREE starter kit bundle!

THANK YOU SO MUCH AND HAPPY GARDENING! Gardening update quest and quest prizes, as well as old pot changes to new plants will happen at the very end of the month! 

Created at 2021-01-30 23:30:11



FREE FTO MYO Just for this week, ALL FTO have a free fto redeem week! Check it out here! There's also an advertising mini giveaway for ALL, FTO and non FTO for an uncommon trait potion to help spread the love! SPECIAL STAFF EVENT PROMPTS The moderators have brought to you SPECIAL EVENT PROMPTS! These event prompts are only active for the duration of the event, but are completely optional otherwise! While they do not give the x2 skp bonus, they do give EXCEPTIONAL PRIZES for each prompt! Feel free to pick and choose which ones you want to complete, max 1 prompt PER user (ie one of STAFFF-001, one of STAFF-002), AGAIN THESE ARE OPTIONAL, just themed around the event + bonus event themed prizes!


STAFF SALES Staff sales will be happening on the scheduled days as shown on the event page here!


x2 SKP FOR ALL REGULAR QUESTS And of course, all regular quests have x2 skp! Just hit the x2 SKP BUTTON on the regular quest calculator! A NOTE: SKP still maxes at 100 skp, and the MAX AMOUNT Of skp you can earn this week from this bonus is x500, which is a ridiculous amount! That is all - HAPPY STAFF EVENT WEEK!


Stay tuned for some mini events to add to this week and the RELEASE OF GARDENING v2 ON THE 31ST!

Created at 2021-01-21 22:13:42


:crown~1: CELEBRATION WISH INFLUX There seems to be an invasion of Celebration Wishes (2021 edition!) You can catch these unusual children through RANDOM EVENTS AND SITE EVENTS that will be happening all day!  

:crown~1:THROUGH ADVENTURING:  A NEW 48 HOUR ONLY ADVENTURE ZONE HAS POPPED UP with a RARE CHANCE of spawning capturable wishes! Bring your capture capsules, and if you see any wishes, drop them to 20% health to capture them (by clicking the capture button to bring your capsules once they hit 20% health)! Good luck!


 :crown~1:THROUGH MINIGAMES! I will be handing out batches of these in #event-games on Discord at RANDOM INTERVALS of time! Please check in to see if there are any available if you are around!

 :crown~1:THROUGH TRADING POST I will be posting RANDOM LOTS in the trading post, where the first person who gets the lot will get one!

:crown~1:THROUGH ???:??????: ??? ? ???? ???? ??? ?? :blackholeeye:

Created at 2021-01-01 03:15:21


NEW GOLD GACHA BANNER UPDATE The gold Adventure Banner has been updated with a NEW FEATURED BANNER, with the seasonal carousel alt subspecies! In addition, you may see some new daydreams, NEW POTIONS including new Treatling ones, and other items changed over from the usual banner! These are all limited time!


SILVER GACHA also got a changeover of some items! The stamina/revive pots are no longer limited, AND there are a bunch of LIMITED TIME ONLY daydreams you may see in stock and something with very limited stock for 999 silver

Created at 2020-12-30 22:03:53

Event schedule updates and WINTER MINI EVENTS CLOSING

Just some quick event schedule updates

  • LAST DAY OF THE SITE ADVENT: Tomorrow (Dec 30th) at 11:59 PM PST is the last day of the site advent free claims! Be sure to check in for the final day, for something quite nice! All you need to do is log in and click here!




  • Child of Ice/ Child of Frost Special Legendary Auctions:  The child of Ice and Child of Frost legendary auctions have been pushed back to Jan 1st - 3rd (for 48 hours) so I have time to wrap up and deal with the other events concurrent. This will feature TWO limited Celestial legendary Stygians for auction, with a unique lore related role and backstory in the Winter Festival advent! They will take place on the usual, on my DA here:


Hope you all have a wonderful and safe new year, as we finally journey into 2021! 

Created at 2020-12-29 23:10:37



We will be selling Holiday Treatgrams (Treats!) on the 30th and 31st for either 5 shadow tokens or 5 usd!


Previews for batch 3 are up!


Batch 4 will take place on the 31st 

  • This will be open as a 24 hour flatsale-raffle for shadow tokens OR USD (your pick) DEC 31st @ 6PM PST/9 PM EST
  • ANYONE CAN ENTER BUT YOU CANNOT GIVE IT TO ANYONE WHO ALREADY OWNS A TREATGRAM**. Ie, I can purchase one, but cannot order it for myself if I own one. I also cant purchase it for Steve who also owns one, but I can purchase it for my friend Bob who has no Treatgrams.


Hope you all had an amazing holidays!  Don't forget to check out the daily site advent that ends on the 31st with a bang!

Created at 2020-12-27 19:01:50


Primordial Bookywrm and Primordial Carousel subspecies have been released for the holidays! These are made when you use a Primordial potion WITH the previous subspecies ie Primordial + Bookwyrm regular subspecies! You can check out more info here!




Created at 2021-09-20 14:18:09