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Created at 2024-05-27 19:50:45

Event schedule updates and WINTER MINI EVENTS CLOSING

Just some quick event schedule updates

  • LAST DAY OF THE SITE ADVENT: Tomorrow (Dec 30th) at 11:59 PM PST is the last day of the site advent free claims! Be sure to check in for the final day, for something quite nice! All you need to do is log in and click here!




  • Child of Ice/ Child of Frost Special Legendary Auctions:  The child of Ice and Child of Frost legendary auctions have been pushed back to Jan 1st - 3rd (for 48 hours) so I have time to wrap up and deal with the other events concurrent. This will feature TWO limited Celestial legendary Stygians for auction, with a unique lore related role and backstory in the Winter Festival advent! They will take place on the usual, on my DA here:


Hope you all have a wonderful and safe new year, as we finally journey into 2021! 

Created at 2020-12-29 23:10:37



We will be selling Holiday Treatgrams (Treats!) on the 30th and 31st for either 5 shadow tokens or 5 usd!


Previews for batch 3 are up!


Batch 4 will take place on the 31st 

  • This will be open as a 24 hour flatsale-raffle for shadow tokens OR USD (your pick) DEC 31st @ 6PM PST/9 PM EST
  • ANYONE CAN ENTER BUT YOU CANNOT GIVE IT TO ANYONE WHO ALREADY OWNS A TREATGRAM**. Ie, I can purchase one, but cannot order it for myself if I own one. I also cant purchase it for Steve who also owns one, but I can purchase it for my friend Bob who has no Treatgrams.


Hope you all had an amazing holidays!  Don't forget to check out the daily site advent that ends on the 31st with a bang!

Created at 2020-12-27 19:01:50


Primordial Bookywrm and Primordial Carousel subspecies have been released for the holidays! These are made when you use a Primordial potion WITH the previous subspecies ie Primordial + Bookwyrm regular subspecies! You can check out more info here!




Created at 2021-09-20 14:18:09


The winter "Secret Santa" quest returns, but with a simpler set up this time - simply gift a friend art of their Stygian character (or writing!) in the spirit of holidays! For doing so, not only will you get a unique daydream (unique to this quest), but also some very fancy prizes for yourself, such as an uncommon trait token, 100 gold, 10 shadow tokens, AND the return of the Secret Santa achievement if you have not obtained it yet. ONE PROMPT PER USER for this prompt please!



Treatgram previews for batch 2 have been updated! There will be 23 of them for next batch for sale DEC 17th @ 9 PM PST! You can check out the teaser previews here!


 And more coming up! I've also added handy links to the winter time sensitive links + site winter links to the main dropdown just so people can find them easier! Happy holidays! 

Created at 2020-12-11 19:21:08

:crown~1: LEGENDARY ASCENSION QUESTLINE + LEGENDARY UPGRADE ITEM REDEEM UPDATES Hello all! I've made some updates to the Legendary Ascension questline + Legendary Redeem tickets! Please use the site redeem form to submit these now, using the link given here!

The rules on how to submit, and the questline as still the same, you will just be required to on the submission form:

1) Select LEGENDARY UPGRADE/ASCENSION from the dropdown

2) Pick your 3 themes in the ADDITIONAL COMMENTS

3) If using legendary upgrade item, select the item

4) If ascension questline, link all 3 quests in the ADDITIONAL COMMENTS.

LEGENDARY ASCENSION/UPGRADE SUBMISSIONS DO NOT HAVE A COOLDOWN Meaning you can submit one even if you're on cooldown for something else. You could submit TWO... if you had your ascension and legendary ticket unused (again max 1 ascension questline per user, please visit the thread above to see how to ascend your Stygian).


:crown~1: FIGMENT MYO REDEEM Figment myo has also gotten some updates!

  •  We've removed step 4 entirely (shadow weaving) so that is no longer required
  •  Once you've compiled your figment questline, submit that AND your Figment png etc etc using the redeem form given on the link above + instructions how to.
  • It will tell you step by step what to pick in each form/dropdown option!
  •  Figment redeems DO have a 1 week week submission cooldown for submission forms, as they are considered a free myo!


We hope these upgrades will help make things very smoothly as we slowly seek to transition off DA for forms

Created at 2020-12-09 22:39:04

♛ STYGIAN SITE ADVENT CALENDAR:   I'm bringing back the SITE ADVENT GIFTS! Check in ONCE EVERY DAY (updated ETA 12:00 AM PST give or take a bit), to get an ADVENT PRIZE! There will be ONE PRIZE per day until the 31st!  

Once a NEW ADVENT DAY has rolled over, the OLD DAY prize will be removed, so be sure to check in on that day! You might even see some exclusive Daydreams, and more goodies!   To access it, simply to go the header, and click SITE ADVENT to see what the goodie is today! You can claim ONE PER USER!

Created at 2020-12-01 01:32:11





NEW: You can now add on rebases directly to to your submission. For example:


Stygian common MYO

+ Stygian Dragon Alt MYO [ + add rebase ] 

= Stygian Dragon MYO


Treat Common MYO

+ Treat Conversion (Restricted)  [ + add rebase ]

= Labyrinth Treat


Basically you'll be able to create AND edit the piece of masterslist art at the same time instead of one step at a time (ie creating a Treat CYO, then converting it). 


HOWEVER, you still cannot submit one approval for TWO pieces of masterslist art, for example: a Treat must be created first, then after approved, its Treatling form. You cannot submit a treat recolour and a Treatling evolution at the same time, as that would require TWO certs, and the coding would get confused. As long as it is for the SAME MASTERLIST IMAGE you can add as many rebases as you want! 


Approval submissions are one per week per user for new submissions! That's it! Thank you so much for your patience!

Created at 2021-09-20 14:24:20

 NEW NPC GUIDE: There is a NEW SITE NPC GUIDE as I slowly transfer all our lore guides to on site!



NEW NPC LORE: NEW LORE about all the NPCS have been added, as well as a small blurb about their personality, history, likes, dislikes, preferred pronouns, random facts, art references and MORE! This is to help players as well who are interested in using any of the NPCS for the NPC bonus for quests. (as well as encountering NPCS in future events) 


 NPC QUESTS Quests done for the NPC (be sure to use the NPC's ID when turning in the quest IE NPC-001), will show up if you click on the NPc's name OR click "View player's quests with NPC name"! It's a fun way to see what others have done too, as users too help build on the current canon of the NPCs! 


A reminder you can take NPCs with you on nearly almost every quest!

Created at 2020-11-26 02:54:34


The event wrapup is here! Check it out and claim your event prizes on this page because DA journals are broken CLAIM EVENT PRIZES HERE


 W?ND?RL?ND finale: Just a small finale/wrapup lore can also be seen if you click on the castle icon of the world map HERE


LORE UPDATE The Stygian locations to explore/lore area has been updated with W?nd?rl?nd info! This is where you can also find some bonus lore for your W?nd?rl?nd Stygian and legendaries! To view it go to the STYGIAN INFO PAGE, click on the STYGIAN LORE TAB, scroll all the way down, and click on "W?ND?RL?ND" in the key attractions panel! 


We're slowly wrapping up on our end so please be patient as we work on other updates - once again approvals will be end of the month, as well as the CLOSE of event housing/adventures/ and the tournament! Thank you all for such an amazing event - we hope to see you this winter... or is it already winter can't tell, for WINTER MINI EVENTS + Winter Stygianspriations! 


... and as you probably noticed, the site finally has announcements! Important site announcements will be pinned, and you will also get notifications for them! 

Created at 2020-11-25 22:38:36