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Created at 2024-05-27 19:50:45

OH NO! It looks like a pesky coding bug in the Nightmare Tree turned all your Stygian into daydreams (for a day!) If only there was a way to fix this glaring issue!



When submitting this prompt, PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY QUEST BONUSES (ANYTHING found in the calculator), just submit this quest as it is, and a link to your quest. 

Created at 2021-04-01 04:15:35

Chapter 3 of the Labyrinth returns (THE FINALE) is here!!

If you have reached the end of chapter 1, simply hit [ CHAPTER 3] or [ NEXT] as seen in the image above to proceed! 

  • Extensions: The labyrinth returns deadline has been extended to APRIL 10th@ 11:59 PM PST (see deadline countdown here: . That gives a full TWO WEEKS to finish the mini-event!

  • EVENT HOW TO If you have not started the mini-event there is still time! Check out how to start here, it is a simple three part prompt to get AN EXCLUSIVE PRIZE THAT WILL RETIRE FOR AT LEAST A YEAR+ + AN EVENT ONLY CERT + more prizes as follows:

  •  The journey Thank you all for coming with us on this journey. A reminder you need to complete ALL THREE PARTS to get the exclusive restricted trait prize + cert!

Created at 2021-03-25 20:51:45

Mini site updates

You can now SORT YOUR TREATS! They will show up in your sorted order in your site profile AND under "Manage Treats".

There is also a NEW DAILY ADDED FOR GARDENING! Harvest 5 plants per week to get a leaf token here! 

In addition, D-001 SHOULD accomodate for collabs now (Daily -001) for daily quests), but not commissioned artists.

I've done a couple of measures to crack down on alt accounts! For now:

  • If you have a new account with NO STYGIAN, you can no longer SEND others items or shadow tokens. HOWEVER others can send YOU items and shadow tokens to help you with your quest. Ie: I cant just farm newbie grants and give them to my main, but if I am a legit newbie I can have a veteran help me out by them gifting me their items.
  • The trading post now requires a TRADING PASS! It's not too difficult: all your need to do is complete your Figment questline to get a Stygian (or through any other means!) That will unlock your trading pass! Even without a trading pass, you can still RECEIVE items from other users, again you just cannot SEND them. It also makes for a cute trial and error period to encourage users to get used to the arpg first before other things open up!

Created at 2021-09-20 14:18:28


Do you like puzzles? Do you like.. puzzle hunts! Well now you do! Enter the labyrinth of a new puzzle hunt for prizes, including S-555 above, and the TREAT BELOW!


Puzzlelab Ghost by Zoomutt

All those who SOLVE the puzzle will get:

  • + x1 Raffle ticket for S-555 above and MORE!
  • + x1 puzzle token to use in the puzzle shop
  • + 100 silver and 50 gold!
  • + 5 shadow tokens!
  • + 1 HEXAPAL BLIND BAG daydream
  • + 1 LEGENDARY SEED PACKET for gardening!






A REMINDER DO NOT SHARE OR POST ANY PUZZLE HINTS OR PICTURES. You can talk about being stuck on this step, but don't offer ANY hints or pictures please! This is an individual hunt activity! Please do not ask for hints in this chat either, or put ANY hints in spoilers or puzzle stage information/hints .


Created at 2021-03-21 15:57:59

Chapter 2 of the Labyrinth returns is here!

If you have reached the end of chapter 1, simply hit [ CHAPTER 2] or [ NEXT] as seen in the image above to proceed! The final chapter will be ETA March 21-22nd! 

Created at 2021-03-17 05:22:22

:crown~1: STYGIAN TOS : We've updated the Stygian TOS for on site use! There's a few changes that we've added to the TOS if you'd like to review them (these are things that have been in play for a while now, but we would like to CLARIFY without it being obscure or abstract)


  • DESIGN REMINDER: Stygian MUST look like their Stygian subspecies (or subsequent characters such as Treatlings, Divers, etc). We understand you're free to take libertiis with the design such as adding traits, but when everything is completed, this design must look recognizeably like that subspecies.
    • We have a right to refuse designs that completely deviate from looking like a Stygian of that subspecies at all. For example, a Primordial Betta Stygian with a fish object head head, fish tail, fishy front legs, would not be a Stygian, as it no longer actually looks in any way like the subspecies. We're pretty loose about this rules and give a fair amount of leeway but the general rule of thumb is if you had someone completely relatively new to Stygians look at your design, would they be able to recognize it as that subspecies, and not as a literal fish, or some other creature that is not related to Stygians at all? Does it look more like an avatar form than an actual Stygian of that species? We do want to make sure Stygian still look like a Stygian to prevent infrigement on other adoptable species outside of the Stygians universe. 
  • DESIGN REMINDER: SUBSPECIES OVERLAPS: . We ask that subspecies not borrow SUBSPECIES UNIQUE traits that overlap nearly identically to other subspecies. An example of this would be adding wishing tags to a serpent Stygian.
    • A subspecies unique trait is a trait that ONLY that subspecies has, as opposed to a subspecies overlap trait such as dragon wings on dragons etc. HOWEVER, as per usual a Stygian cannot nearly look identical to a subspecies in traits it is not a subspecies in. For example, a Stygian with back dragon wings, scales, dragon tail, dragon horns, is 90% identical to the traits of a dragon subspecies. In this case, please change one of the following ie the wings, tail, horns.
    • Again examples of subspecies traits would be: wishing tags, mimic body goop, void tendrils, jellyfish tendrils, long body shapes, lack of hind legs in primordial serpents, etc etc. 
    • Examples of non subspecies unique traits that can show up would be things such as body scales, back wings (on various subspecies), spine fur, etc etc. 
  • REHOMING ALL ARPG SITE ITEMS: (myos, shadow tokens, etc etc)
    •  ALL ARPG ITEMS NO MATTER IF OBTAINED VIA PAID OR FREE CANNOT be sold for USD OR TRADED FOR OTHER SPECIES. THIS NOW INCLUDES ITEMS that were obtained as a perk to the sale, as those items were meant to be used for the original owner who bought the sale, not sold off seperately. You can give them awa

Created at 2021-09-20 14:18:12

The Labyrinth, the unusual maze beneath the Nightmare Tree that continues to emit an ominous presence neither malicious nor beneficial. Something speaks to those of Dreams and Nightmares, something promises - those who trek within the labyrinth will be rewarded, that those who trek within the labyrinth will be remembered.

Unspeakable words -

forgotten gods -

horrific amalgamations -

eyes peering into deeper worlds -

- The labyrinth consumes all.



  • Simply click the link above ([ BEGIN THE JOURNEY]) to get started! This will start you on PART 1 of the Labyrinth Returns storyline special prompt.
  • When you hit PART 1 END of the storyline, it will give you a quest prompt!
  • Click on the quest prompt link, and complete the prompt!
  • Part 2 and Part 3 will be the same thing (aka complete one quest prompt corresponding to each part), and will be released weekly with an announcement
  • This prompt can only be completed ONCE PER USER (the series of three), but if you enjoy the storyline and want to complete it on other Stygian, you can, just submit it as a [ R-001] and not as an event quest! 
  • Each part has special prizes, with full completion yielding ONE TIME PRIZES EXCLUSIVE TO THIS EVENT. These are not obtainable anywhere else, even in sales! 




  • ALL PARTICIPANTS WHO COMPLETE PARTS 1-3 WILL RECIEVE THE LEGENDARY LABYRINTH SHADOW-WEAVING POTION [ RESERVED]. This is a potion that is ONLY RELEASED during the three-part labyrinth questline, and will not show up again for a very, very long time!
    •  Read about this trait info [ here ]!
    • If you have this trait on your Stygian but want the cert, any additional Labyrinth shadow-weaving potions will be turned into a legendary non-restricted trait of your choice. 
    • When the event closes, information will be posted on this mini-event wrapup and where to redeem this prize as it is not automatic and must be redeemed with proof of all 3 questlines completed! 

  • Upon turnin of this potion on a Stygian (must be a potion from THIS QUESTLINE not the questlines prior), you will also obtain the special LABYRINTH RETURNS CERT ABOVE for that Stygian. This cert will retire after this event. 
    • Cert can only be applied to the STYGIAN FORM THAT IS USING THE SHADOWWEAVING TOKEN above. Cannot be applied to Diver human forms/ Treatling forms/ Stygian avatar forms, but can be applied to their Stygian/Stygian disguise form. Make sure to choose which alt myo if multiple (again, same alt myo that the potion is going to)
  • There will also be a raffle for: x2 CYO Labyrinth Treat, x2 Mimic Stygian ALT MYO, x1 COMMON DIVER MYO (!!) Token! Each time you complete a quest prompt (so 3 tickets if you complete all 3 parts) 


  • Every part of the quest completed will net you x10 SHADOW TOKENS (base) and x5 SKP (base), along with x50 gold, and a labyrinth key!
  • In addition, every part of the quest completed will give you a raffle ticket for the raffle as shown above!

Special Mini-Event prompt ends APRIL 10 @ 11:59 PM PST FINAL DEADLINE 


Created at 2021-03-25 20:51:54


I've completely streamlined how a daydream evolves now!

  • DAYDREAM EVOLUTIONS NO LONGER REQUIRE SKP: Instead, it just requires Silver now (which is easily obtainable from things such as adventures, minigame arcade, etc)
  • DAYDREAMS DO NOT HAVE TO BE EQUIPPED ON A STYGIAN TO EVOLVE: You can just straight up evolve them from your inventory (though if equipped, they can still evolve)
  • DAYDREAMS SHOW EXACTLY IF they can evolve, and what the cost is Ie: if a daydream cannot evolve, you don't need to feed it!
  • You can also still RELEASE A DAYDREAM for silver! (or in rarer occasions, shado wtokens!)

Click on a Daydream in your DAYDREAM INVENTORY to see if it can evolve or not! 

Because the conversion is now silver, the price for each Daydream evolution has been adjusted accordingly! Hopefully this allows you to evolve some Daydreams you've had that were just starved on SKP! I'm not doing skp refunds since anything that happens in the past is past things, this is just something to help EVERYONE in the future!



You can now get (a small amount) of silver by playing any of the arcade minigames, as an alternative to Adventuring!

Created at 2021-02-23 01:20:21


We've moved around 90% of our info pages from the DA group to the site, and you can check it out in the NEW NIGHTMAREPEDIA!


- Select a category (Which will show a bunch of topics) OR
- Select a topic to get started!
- Searching for title or keywords will bring up what a category is tagged with ie if you look for keyword "primordial" it will show the primordial info article!
- More pages will be coming soon hooray! (This will also be added to the lore dropdown page for easy access)
- Some pages also just redirect to the already existing info page like "Stygian Traits" just goes directly to the Stygian Traits page

Created at 2021-02-17 23:54:47

Happy Valentines day! Better late than never are some VALENTINES UPDATES! Valentines special events end FEB 24th @ 11:59 PM PST




You can find EVENT ONLY plants over at gardening! Get a hold of [ SURPRISE EVENT SEED PACKETS ] in the [ LEAF GACHA ] as well as EVENTS BELOW to hatch your own mome plants!

You can use these mome plants to get SPECIAL RELEASE PRIZES in gardening alchemy, such as potions you normally cannot get save in rare questing feats, new daydreams and more!


Try hybriding them together and creating combos, to turn them in for daydreams in the [ GARDENING ALCHEMY]. The release of event seed packets are limited to this week only!



There is a NEW MINIGAME TOURNAMENT LIVE! To follow the valentines theme, the tournament is for Puzzle's Memory Game! A tournament is simply special prizes that are rewarded ONLY FOR SCORING THE ABOVE SCORES during the DURATION OF THE TOURNAMENT! That means, just by participating and submitting your score for the duration of this week for Puzzle's Memory Game, you will obtain the above prizes equal to your cumulative score!  


Romantic predictions are back! Simply go to any of your Stygian's profiles to view their 10000% accurate romantic predictions! If you have not obtained the achievement already, you may even get a special limited time achievement for your snooping. 




To celebrate the gardening release, you can obtain a FREE SURPRISE SEED PACKET EVERY 24 HOURS by checking out dailies here! Don't forget to claim them until the event closes!



I've scattered a bunch of daydreams throughout the various event shops! Find, and obtain them for a limited time only;
And lastly, we have two Stygian sales for some very special HYBRID Stygian x Nyagon Legendaries! Check them out by clicking the image below!
{ Stygian Legendary Hybrid Auction } Midnight { Stygian Legendary Hybrid Auction } Daylight

Created at 2021-02-14 23:37:22