Show L-167's Masterslist Info:
L-167: Mirana < The White Queen of W?ND?RL?ND >
Owned By: Ghouliboo
Designed By: chartermark
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Mimic (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 22)
Show special info + inheritances
Rarity : Legendary
Branch: Child of Charity
Special TypeElder
+ Jobs Unlocked: Explorer

Special Traits:
★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.

Multiple Mimic Wings (Limit 3): Guardian Stygian created from this Stygian may inherit Multiple Mimic Wings at no additional cost. This gives Mimic subspecies (regular and primordial) the ability to have double elbow wings where their mimic elbow wings are - as normally Mimic subspecies cannot have double elbow wings. Cannot be passed to those Guardian's alternate forms.

Key of W?nd?rl?nd (IC ONLY): This Stygian's form is not quite complete, a part of it is missing, a hollow shape in its chest when it attempts to shift between its dream and nightmare forms. The empty void underneath betrays its true form like all elders - moulded by nothing but the chaos and fancy of the Labyrinth. In order for it to stabilize itself and its form, it must time to time, return to W?nd?rl?nd to rest.

Aura of Charity (IC only): Abundance and wealth follow this Stygian - in places of desolation, they excude their aura especially bright, bringing in a feeling of hope, joy, exuberance, and unity. Their charitable presence is said to inspire entire armies to war... though that is just heresay.    

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]

Energy Drink Threat

White Flower Plant

Bountiful Mushroom Plant

Mome Plant Pink

Piece of Ice Cream

Piece of Dango

Piece of Cookie


Gummy Bear

Energy Drink HP

Energy Drink Candy

Sprout Blood

Small Crystal Wind

Small Crystal Fire

Healing Potion

Dreamlands Stamina Restore

Arcade Elixir

Sprout Ectoplasm

Sprout Ghostly

Sprout Pumpkin

Sprout Slime

Jar of Raid Rewind

Jar of Revival

Jar of Stamina Restore

Mome Fluff King

Mome Fluff Yellow

Yellow Mome Rath Replica

Mome Fluff Pink

Pink Mome Rath Replica

Blue Mome Rath Replica

Mome Fluff Blue

White Mome Rath Replica

Mome Fluff Grey

Heart Token (Small)

Heart Token (Medium)

Heart Token (Large)

Empty Card Case

Dreamlands Medallion

Ingot Bronze

Ingot Silver

Ingot Gold