Show L-167's Masterslist Info:
L-167: Mirana < The White Queen of W?ND?RL?ND >
Owned By: Ghouliboo
Designed By: chartermark
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Mimic (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes

Traits: Show All Traits ( 22)
Show special info + inheritances
Rarity : Legendary
Branch: Child of Charity
Special TypeElder
+ Jobs Unlocked: Explorer

Special Traits:
★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.

Multiple Mimic Wings (Limit 3): Guardian Stygian created from this Stygian may inherit Multiple Mimic Wings at no additional cost. This gives Mimic subspecies (regular and primordial) the ability to have double elbow wings where their mimic elbow wings are - as normally Mimic subspecies cannot have double elbow wings. Cannot be passed to those Guardian's alternate forms.

Key of W?nd?rl?nd (IC ONLY): This Stygian's form is not quite complete, a part of it is missing, a hollow shape in its chest when it attempts to shift between its dream and nightmare forms. The empty void underneath betrays its true form like all elders - moulded by nothing but the chaos and fancy of the Labyrinth. In order for it to stabilize itself and its form, it must time to time, return to W?nd?rl?nd to rest.

Aura of Charity (IC only): Abundance and wealth follow this Stygian - in places of desolation, they excude their aura especially bright, bringing in a feeling of hope, joy, exuberance, and unity. Their charitable presence is said to inspire entire armies to war... though that is just heresay.    

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]

Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2021-07-23 20:17:58 Ghouliboo Purchasing Explorer 1: Well Explored -5 1
2021-06-29 22:06:15 GhoulishLich Purchasing Gardener 5: Plot Veteran -100 6
2021-06-29 20:47:44 nothingyet [QUEST] M-008 (June 2021): M-008 10 106
2021-06-29 20:47:20 nothingyet [QUEST] M-007 (June 2021): M-007 10 96
2021-06-29 20:46:41 nothingyet [QUEST] M-005 (June 2021): M-005 10 86
2021-06-29 20:45:59 nothingyet [QUEST] M-002 (June 2021): M-002 10 76
2021-06-29 20:45:39 nothingyet [QUEST] M-001 10 66
2021-06-29 20:36:02 nothingyet [QUEST] DREAM-009 (2): DREAM-009 10 56
2021-06-29 20:35:26 nothingyet [QUEST] DREAM-008 (2): DREAM-008 10 46
2021-06-29 20:34:49 nothingyet [QUEST] DREAM-007 (2): DREAM-007 10 36
2021-06-29 20:33:52 nothingyet [QUEST] DREAM-006 (2): DREAM-006 10 26
2021-06-04 10:55:03 GhoulishLich Element updated to Magic.
2021-05-02 02:54:31 GhoulishLich Element updated to Water.
2021-05-01 17:33:25 GhoulishLich Purchasing Gardener 4: Pro Gardener -50 16
2021-05-01 17:33:22 GhoulishLich Purchasing Gardener 3: Flower Power -25 66
2021-05-01 17:33:17 GhoulishLich Purchasing Gardener 2: Gardening With Style -10 91
2021-05-01 17:33:15 GhoulishLich Purchasing Gardener 1: Gardening 101 -5 101
2021-05-01 12:18:07 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-008 (May 2021): M-008 15 106
2021-05-01 12:16:58 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-007 (May 2021): M-007 15 91
2021-05-01 12:15:19 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-006 (May 2021): M-006 15 76
2021-05-01 12:12:40 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-005 (2021): M-005 15 61
2021-05-01 12:11:57 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-004 (May 2021): M-004 15 46
2021-05-01 12:11:10 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-002 (May 2021): M-002 15 31
2021-05-01 12:09:51 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-001 (May2021): M-001 15 16
2021-04-25 02:06:45 GhoulishLich Element updated to Dark.
2021-04-15 13:28:07 GhoulishLich Element updated to Ghost.
2021-04-07 13:39:42 GhoulishLich Purchasing Necromancer 4: Out on a Limb -50 1
2021-04-07 04:09:15 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest D-008 (April 2021 // 2): D-008 8 51
2021-04-07 04:02:45 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest D-009 (April 2021 // 2): D-009 8 43
2021-04-07 04:01:46 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest D-002 (April 2021 // 1): D-002 8 35
2021-04-07 04:01:11 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest D-009 (April 2021 // 1): D-009 8 27
2021-04-07 04:00:43 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest D-008 (April 2021 // 1): D-008 8 19
2021-04-04 18:27:37 GhoulishLich Element updated to Light.
2021-03-13 03:41:25 GhoulishLich Purchasing Spellcaster 4: Magic Item -50 11
2021-03-13 03:41:15 GhoulishLich Purchasing Spellcaster 3: Fireball -25 61
2021-03-13 03:41:05 GhoulishLich Purchasing Spellcaster 2: Magick Missile -10 86
2021-03-13 03:40:56 GhoulishLich Purchasing Spellcaster 1: Leylines (Quest Bonus) -5 96
2021-03-13 01:36:45 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest G-005 (Rain): G-005 10 101
2021-03-13 01:35:56 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-008 (March 2021): M-008 10 91
2021-03-13 01:34:35 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-007 (March 2021): M-007 10 81
2021-03-13 01:34:07 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-006 (March 2021): M-006 10 71
2021-03-13 01:33:23 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-005 (March 2021): M-005 10 61
2021-03-13 01:32:38 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-004 (March 2021): M-004 10 51
2021-03-13 01:32:00 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-002 (March 2021): M-002 10 41
2021-03-13 01:31:38 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-001 (March 2021): M-001 10 31
2021-03-11 22:56:37 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-006 (Feb 2021): M-006 10 21
2021-03-11 22:56:26 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-005 (Feb 2021): M-005 10 11
2021-03-05 13:30:35 GhoulishLich Purchasing Elder 4: They Beckon -50 1
2021-03-04 18:50:30 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-008 (Feb 2021): M-008 10 51
2021-03-04 18:49:48 nothingyet [QUEST] Quest M-007 (Feb 2021): M-007 10 41