This is a list of all Stygian Traits! ADDITIONAL Traits for your Stygian/ MYO can be purchased using the shop link below and/or obtained in various site ARPG activities. They show up in your items inventory, and you can use them in the Redeem MYO/ML link below.

Stygian being redeemed have a MAX TRAIT ADDON CAP OF 20 COMMON/UNCOMMON/RARE/GUARDIAN/LEGENDARY traits (not including subspecies default traits such as "spine fur" for Parasitic Stygian). Of course this is a highly ludicrous cap: Stygian are equally loved with no traits, some traits, or lots of traits!


Is restricted:
Artificial Okay:

Now searching Common type, by all eligible results. ( 12 results found)

Adds deer/elk/moose antlers.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
Traits Stackable: Antler/Horn Addons Single Horn Paired Horns
Traits Cannot be Used With: Antlers
  • They must be shaped like an existing creature's antlers of any from this list: deer, elk, moose
  • They can be of any colour and pattern but cannot have an unusual texture unless paired with a texture-modifying potion
  • They cannot exceed the 50% of the body length of your Stygian
  • They cannot have any decorations or additional twists/unusual shapes added to them without the purchase of other antler-modifying potions

Adds Blood Spatter to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
  • It can mimic any sort of blood colour, these are not markings but actually blood splatter layered on "top" of your Stygian, like an effect drawn with ink.
  • Can be added to other traits (ie blood splatter on tail)
  • When drawing them, you can leave them on or off your Stygian
  • Splatters combined cannot exceed the 50% of the body of your Stygian

Gives your Stygian extra fluffy cheeks! Fluff can be max 25% of head height.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Grants the Stygian extra cheek fluff.
  • Fluff length can be max 25% of head height. (This is fluff length, from root to ends of the fluffy cheek hair.) The reference image above would be max sizing in this case.
  • Can be only on the cheek, but can extend to chin. (So from cheek to where chin ENDS). See reference image above for placement.
  • Must be of a fur texture.
  • Cannot extend beyond eye level in height on the cheek. See reference image for max height.
  • Cannot be feathers, fins, or scales. Cannot be made to be fully elemental.

Gives your Stygian the common Shadowweaving trait, allowing them to manipulate shadows into a specific form.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Stackable: Labyrinth Shadowweaving
Traits Cannot be Used With: Uncommon Shadowweaving Rare Shadowweaving
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It does carry over to each form the Stygian has. It cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian.
  • Gives your Stygian 'control' over shadows, allowing them to create limbs or accessories out of shadow.
  • Common Shadow Weaving can be a single limb, a single tail, or a small accessory.
  • Shadow weaving should always be a single colour, though it can be a gradient of that colour. For example, light red to dark red, or blue to dark blue, but not blue to black or red to orange. You can do white to gray, or gray to black, but not white to black.
  • Shadow weaving will always have a single eye - this eye will be white with a pupil that is the same colour as the Stygian's eye. Around and connected to the eye will be white branching marks. See reference.
  • Shadow Limb can replace one limb (leg only). The shadow replaces the limb, so you would remove all or part of the limb where the shadow is. The shadow cannot replace the middle of the leg, it would start at the hoof and work up.
  • Shadow Tail can replace one tail or part of a tail (up to 25% of the Stygian's body size). Shadow weaving level 2 allows for up to two tail at 50% of body size. Shadow Tail can only replace a tail the Stygian already has, it does not make a new tail.
  • Shadow Accessory allows for a single small accessory, less than 25% of the Stygian's size. This accessory should be attached to the Stygian, but it can move on it's own, too. Shadow Weaving level 2 would allow for a single accessory up to 50% of body size.
  • The shadow cannot replace more than one limb (without stage 2 weaving. Stage 2 would allow for a max of 2 limbs.)
  • Shadow Weaving can affect every form on a Stygian with a single potion, but cannot pass to guardians.

A general common trait potion that can add a non-restricted common trait to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Can be used to add a single, non-restricted common trait to your Stygian, in place of a specific potion.

Adds fetlocks to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Semi-Transparency
Traits Cannot be Used With: Fin Fetlocks
  • Can be any type of fetlock (curly, straight, crimped) in any style (tied, braided, regular)
  • Must be 50% or less of the Stygian's leg length (not body length!)
  • Can be any colour and pattern
  • Cannot be anything other than hair or feathery texture

Gives your Stygian glowing eyes.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Cosmic Eyes Multiple Eyes Floating Eyes Third Eye Exposed
  • Can leave a "streak" of light emitting from the eye
  • Makes eyes glow in the dark
  • Must be same colour glow as eyes
  • The glow cannot fully obscure the eye. Sclera, iris, and pupil should all be visible under the glow.

Gives your Stygian some small/light accessories.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Antlers Paired Horns Fantasy Horns/Antlers
Traits Cannot be Used With: Semi-Transparency Medium Accessories Heavy Accessories
  • Allows your Stygian to wear light accessories
  • Must combined, be 25% or less of the Stygian's body
  • Can be added to other traits (ie wings, tails, etc)
  • Can be any colour and solid texture and any type of accessory wearable on a creature or human
  • Cannot be enchanted/magical (see: magical accessories potion)
  • Cannot be placed on horns or antlers. (see: Antler Addons)
  • Please do not include: foliage (use foliage traits), elemental textures (see elemental aura), floating accessories, weapons (see weapons mastery), animals or familiars (see animal companions)
  • Cannot obstruct the face, hooves, or general form of the Stygian (ie even with accessories you must still be able to recognize the Stygian subspecies)
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).

Light foliage/flowers for the body/head/mane
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Stackable: Light Accessories Glowing Markings Semi-Transparency
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Antlers Paired Horns Single Horn Fantasy Horns/Antlers
Traits Cannot be Used With: Foliage Takeover Parasitic Foliage
  • It must be based off an existing flora shape.
  • Can be any colour and pattern, texture should be of that respective flora
  • Can be different types of flora, not just one.
  • Can be added onto other traits (such as wings, tail, hair, etc)
  • Cannot be added to antlers or horns (needs antler addons potion specifically!)
  • Cannot combined, exceed 25% of the Stygian's body.
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).

Gives your Stygian extra fluffy chest mane.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Elemental Outer Body
  • It can be either fur or feather texture.
  • Can be combined with other traits that affect the body
  • Cannot exceed the chest area of Stygian (hugging chin/front legs are okay)
  • Cannot be "long" fur, the fluff should be short lengthed, just given extra volume up to 2x the normal chest size of the Stygian.

Short - medium any type hairstyle (up to belly in length)
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Light Accessories Light Body Foliage Elemental Aura
Traits Cannot be Used With: Long Hair
  • It can be any type, style or colour that hair can be stylized with (ie braided, streaked, crimped, curly, etc etc), but cannot have an unusual texture to them other than usual hair/mane texture. (But can include a little bit of feathery texture - no prominent crests, just texture only)
  • Can be combined with all potion types applicable to the head area (ie can add foliage/accessories to hair, but not add a shark tail to the hair).
  • Hair length untied cannot exceed the bottom of the chestline of the Stygian.

Short - medium animal tail. (Bird, horse, feline, canid in type.)
MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement Semi-Transparency
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
Traits Cannot be Used With: Long Tail Fantasy Tail
  • They must be a tail type of one of the following from this list: deer, any feline, any canine/canid (ie wolves/foxes), any horse tail, any bird tail (feathers must be clustered at base to be singular)
  • Tails have no marking or colour restrictions
  • Tails can be different types of tails (for any fantasy ones, you need to use a fantasy tail potion instead)
    • Tail modifying potions: accessories, elemental, foliage, blood/glowing markings, transparent, crystalline growth, skeletal replacement
    • Potions that will upgrade the tail to that upgraded version: Multiple tails (becomes multiple of the original tail type, so if you had a fox tail, it becomes multiple fox tails), Fantasy tail (replaces existing tail with the fantasy version).
  • They cannot exceed 100% of the body length of your Stygian
  • They cannot have any textures or additional unusual shapes added to them without the purchase of other tail-modifying potions